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本刊编辑部精心策划的“下课后的CEO”,将带给你“英雄”的王峻涛、“自救”的张静君、“低调”的王志东、“倔强”的张树新背后鲜为人知的故事。之所以把“二王”、“二张”放在一块来说,主要是他们有着太多的相似:一是他们都在某个行业担任CEO或者总裁;二是他们都离开了自己创业的场所,而且多半是非自愿的;三是他们都是新经济的先驱和代表,并且暂时的挫折都没有使他们离开自己心爱的互联网……他们的故事很容易让人回想起群雄逐鹿的历史年代:春秋战国、秦末起义、三国鼎立、五代十国……英雄在造就历史的同时也造就了自己。然而,英雄的命运却总是带着浓厚的悲剧性色彩,越王勾践“卧薪尝胆”、“力拔山兮气盖世”的项羽自刎乌江……历史的帷幕落下了,网络英雄的故事却继续演绎着。下课后的数字英雄们终于有时间冷静地思考。 Our editor-in-chief, CEO after Class, will bring you Heroes, Wang Jingtao, Zhang Jingjun for self-help, Wang Zhidong for low profile, and little-known story behind Zhang Shuxin for his stubbornness. The reason why the “two kings”, “two” put together, mainly because they have too many similarities: First, they are CEO or president in an industry; the second is that they have left their place of business , And most of them are involuntary. Third, they are both pioneers and representatives of the new economy. Temporary setbacks have not left them behind their beloved Internet ... Their story can easily be reminded of the age of crowds: Spring and Autumn Warring States, the late Qin uprising, the Three Kingdoms, the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms ...... Heroes in the history but also created their own. However, the hero’s fate is always with a strong sense of tragedy, the king Gou Jian “Revival”, “Xiangqijuqiqi world” Xiang Yu Zi Wujiang ... ... the curtain of history fell, the story of the network hero continues to deduce . After the get out of class digital heroes finally have time to think calmly.
在中国影碟机行业。几乎没有人不知道张亚平的。当这位曾执掌中国VCD企业生死牌的女子坐上飞利浦消费电子(中国)有限公司CEO宝座时。业内人士一片惊叹:张亚平,真有你的! 见证中国VCD辉煌 VCD在
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山东省定陶县黄店镇前陈庄青年民兵李效敬,想方设法,多方努力,自筹资金办起一个造纸厂,安置残疾、闲散人员近百人,受到领导和群众的称赞。 这几年,由于经济发展和机械化程度
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