
来源 :猪业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:MagicStone2005
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十八大报告指出“把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展”。在全球能源结构上,可再生能源的比例逐年增长,可再生能源在减少温室气体排放和提高能源安全及促进持续发展方面意义重大。绿色能源不仅能给养猪业带来良好的综合效益,而且能较好地应对猪场的粪污压力。经调查,目前应用于养猪业的新能源主要包括沼气、太阳能和地源热泵,有效合理地开发和运用这些资源可以带来一系列好处,比如沼气发电可以解决猪场用电问题,减轻电网的供电负担。本刊采访了中国华电工程(集团)有限公司太阳能研发中心工程师王涛,中国农业大学林聪教授、中国农业大学刘继军教授和德国农业协会(DLG)北京办事处首席代表张莉等,和他们一起探讨出现在养猪业的新能源。 The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that “the construction of ecological civilization should be given prominence and be integrated into all aspects and processes of economic construction, political construction, cultural construction and social construction so as to strive to build a beautiful China and achieve the sustainable development of the Chinese nation.” In the global energy structure, the proportion of renewable energy is increasing year by year. Renewable energy is of great significance in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy security and promoting sustainable development. Green energy can not only bring good comprehensive benefits to the pig industry, but also better meet the pressure of pig manure on the farm. The investigation shows that the new energy currently used in the pig industry mainly includes biogas, solar energy and ground source heat pumps. The effective and reasonable development and utilization of these resources can bring a series of benefits. For example, biogas power generation can solve the problem of electricity consumption in pig farms and reduce the power grid The power supply burden. The magazine interviewed Wang Tao, engineer of China R & D Center for Solar Energy Research and Development (R & D) Center of China Huadian Engineering Co., Ltd., Lin Cong from China Agricultural University, Professor Liu Jijun of China Agricultural University and Zhang Li, chief representative of DLG Beijing office. Appear in pig industry new energy.
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全国政协法制委员会副主任、中国婚姻法学研究会会长巫昌祯透露,婚姻法修订后将更名为婚姻家庭法,条文从原37条扩大到200多条。 Wu Chang-zhen, deputy director of the Le