项目名称W Hotel-San Diego项目地址美国加利福尼亚室内设计单位Mr.Importan Design建筑设计Mark Meltzer&Piper Villegas建筑设计单位Melzer Deckert&Ruder,Archtects,1nc试想如下场景:被海浪打倒的你,爬起来后看到的一抹斜阳,湛蓝的海水以及慢慢降临的夜幕,可能都会因你的站立不稳而使你更加头晕目眩。位于圣地亚哥的W酒店就是这样。走进酒店,如画般的室内装饰会首先将你的视线吸引至稍远处的一个酒吧,DJ则在高处播放着动感的音乐。酒吧上方“甜蜜之家”的醒目标语会让你在这个如画般的漩涡里几近疯狂。数座高达7 6米的金色玻璃方尖碑朝不同方向倾斜放置,从不同角度倒映着这个如画空间,看似零乱,实则绚丽夺目。
Project Name W Hotel-San Diego Project Location California, USA Interior Design Mr.Importan Design Architecture Mark Meltzer & Piper Villegas Architecture Design Melzer Deckert & Ruder, Archtects, 1nc Imagine the following scenes: You hit the waves, get up and see the touch of the sun The blue water and the nightfall slowly may make you more dizzy because of your instability. That’s the W Hotel in San Diego. Into the hotel, picturesque interior will first draw your attention to a bar a little further away, while DJs play dynamic music high up. Above the bar “sweet home ” eye-catching slogan will let you in this picturesque whirlpool almost crazy. The golden glass obelisks of up to 76 meters in height have been tilted in different directions, reflecting the picturesque space from different angles.