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从18岁进入到天津大学建筑系读书到后来毕业工作,整个过程对我人生观、价值观的形成乃至成长道路上的每一步选择都起到了至关重要的作用。回顾在天大的点点滴滴,虽然物质上并不富足,但精神上的快乐和满足是人生当中任何时期都无法比拟的。通过4年的学习,我对建筑学也有了比较框架性的了解,并且认识到建筑应该放在城市空间中去研究。于是研究生阶段我选择了城市设计研究方向,师从沈玉麟教授,开始了对国内外城市建筑体系的学习。老师们传授给我们的基本功,以及他们 From 18 years old to Tianjin University Department of Architecture to study until later graduation work, the whole process of my life, the formation of values ​​and even the growth of each step on the road have played a crucial role. Recall that in the big days bit by bit, although not materialistic, but the spirit of happiness and satisfaction at any time in life are unmatched. After 4 years of study, I also had a relatively framework understanding of architecture, and realized that architecture should be studied in urban space. So graduate school I chose the direction of urban design, under the tutelage of Professor Shen Yulin, began the study of urban construction system at home and abroad. The basic skills that the teachers have taught us, as well as them
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IT产业的裁员,并不说明IT人才过剩。有真才实学的IT人才仍还太少,他们的用武之地大着呢! Layoffs in the IT industry, does not explain the excess of IT talent. There a
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