
来源 :江苏航空 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gameboy13888
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随着全球民航业的迅速发展,机场交通愈加繁忙。为了保障机场安全和提高机场的吞吐量,机场交通管理系统的任务也就越发突出。目前无线网络技术日趋成熟。为组建可靠、高效的机场管理系统提供了一个优异的技术工具。本文着眼于未来航空业的技术变革,以崭新的思路,利用先进的计算机技术、无线网通讯技术、人工智能技术,结合成熟高效的机场交通管理思想,集成出功能强大的机场管理系统。这相对子目前的机场管理系统将是一个很大的进步。 With the rapid development of the global civil aviation industry, the traffic on the busier and harder. In order to protect airport security and improve airport throughput, the mission of airport traffic management system becomes more and more prominent. At present, wireless network technology matures. For the establishment of reliable and efficient airport management system provides an excellent technical tool. This paper focuses on the technological change of aviation industry in the future and integrates a powerful airport management system with new ideas, advanced computer technology, wireless network communication technology, artificial intelligence technology and mature and efficient airport traffic management ideas. This relatively sub-current airport management system will be a big step forward.
The Inner Formation Flying System(IFFS) consisting of an outer satellite and an inner satellite which is a sphere proof mass freely flying in the shield cavity
Two types of sensitivities are proposed for statically stable sailcrafts.One type is the sensitivities of solar-radiation-pressure force with respect to positio
中国各航空公司运量Chinese Air Carriers Transport Volume本月实际完成比上月增长(%)比上年同期增长(%)国 际西 北31969296692453462317678357523353342141954562401409025386093
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This paper studies Multi-modes control method for libration points formation establishment and reconfiguration.Firstly,relations between optimal impulse control
全国著名作家张一弓,于2016年1月9日在省人民医院病逝,享年81岁。在这个世界上,他生活成长,奋发创作,留下四百多万字的锦绣文章。噩耗传来,我深感悲痛,几个晚上都睡不好觉。他那伏案疾书、倾心创作的形象,仍在我的脑海里浮现。  我和张一弓同志的交往,始于20世纪70年代初期,那时“文革”高潮刚过不久,新闻单位转入正常的采访报道工作。这时我已从《郑州日报》社调任河南人民广播电台驻郑州市记者站站长。省