
来源 :四川医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lixiner
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一、短程化疗的主要理论基础(一)细菌学基础:抗结核化疗的基本目的是尽快杀灭结核病变中的结核菌,尽可能使病变组织修复,取得持久的临床治愈效果。抗结核化疗失败的主要原因是长疗程化疗中发生耐药性或短疗程化疗在停药后结核病复发。Mitchison 等通过实验设想结核病变中有4组结核菌群。结核病的复发是由于治疗不彻底,使体内存留的 B 组、C 组“持续存活菌(Persisters)”在适当条件下大量繁殖所致。因此,杀灭这两组细菌就是抗结核治疗和 First, the main theoretical basis of short-range chemotherapy (A) Basics of Bacteriology: The basic purpose of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy is to kill tuberculosis in tuberculosis as soon as possible, as far as possible so that the diseased tissue repair and achieve lasting clinical cure. The main reason for the failure of anti-TB chemotherapy is the long-course chemotherapy resistance or the short-course chemotherapy after the withdrawal of tuberculosis relapse. Mitchison et al. Experimentally assumed that there are 4 groups of tuberculosis in tuberculosis. Tuberculosis recurrence is due to incomplete treatment, so that the remaining B groups in the body, C group “Persistence” (Persistent) (Persisters) under appropriate conditions due to mass propagation. Therefore, killing both groups of bacteria is anti-TB treatment and
Aim:To investigate the ultrastructural localization of atrial natriuretic peptide(ANP)-synthesizing cells and the relationship between ANP-synthesizing cellsan
他从北京有色金属研究总院,到中国有色金属工业总公司,再到中国有色金属工业协会,一生都奉献给了有色金属行业。“偶遇”加工,辛劳45载,他是加工业的“守望者”。 He from B
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