
来源 :中国建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a11564877
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1982年是建材工业取得显著成绩的一年。在这一年里,建材战线广大职工在党中央、国务院和各省、市、自治区党委的正确领导下,以提高经济效益为中心,整顿改进企业管理,奋发努力,积极工作,提前超额完成了各项任务。生产均衡增长,全民所有制建材工业总产值完成近100亿元,比1981年增长7.6%,列入国家和局管的23种主要建材和非金属矿产品中,除限产的两种(云母、金刚石)外,都比前年增产。水泥总产量达到9407万吨,比1981年增产1100多万吨。 1982 was a year when the building materials industry achieved remarkable results. During the year, the majority of the employees of the building materials front line under the correct leadership of the Party Central Committee, the State Council, and the party committees of the provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, to improve economic efficiency as the center, rectify and improve the management of the enterprise, worked hard, worked actively, and over-achieved in advance. Task. With a balanced growth in production, the total output value of the people-owned building materials industry totaled nearly 10 billion yuan, an increase of 7.6% over 1981, and was included in the 23 major building materials and non-metallic mineral products under national and bureau control, with the exception of the two types of restricted production (mica, Apart from diamonds, production was increased from the previous year. The total cement output reached 94.07 million tons, an increase of more than 11 million tons over 1981.
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提起三五九旅,在中国可以说家喻户晓,但是该旅挺进东北,参加伟大的东北解放战争,却鲜为人知。 1945年6月11日,中央军委发布命令,令刘转连、晏福生率三五九旅留在陕甘宁边区
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