Estimation of Gibbs free energy difference in Pd-based bulk metallic glasses

来源 :China Foundry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjb5000a
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A new thermodynamic expression for Gibbs free energy difference ΔG between the under-cooled liquid and the corresponding crystals of bulk metallic glasses was derived. The newly proposed expression always gives results in fairly good agreement with experimental values over entire temperature range between the fusion temperature Tm and the glass transition temperature Tg of Pd40Ni40P20, Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 and Pd43Cu27Ni10P20, which possess different heat capacities. However, the TS and KN expressions cannot always provide results in good agreement with the experimental values. In addition, the deviations between the experimental values and the ΔG calculated by the proposed expression at Tg are smaller than those given by other expressions for all the bulk metallic glasses studied. A new thermodynamic expression for Gibbs free energy difference ΔG between the under-cooled liquid and the corresponding crystals of bulk metallic glasses was derived. The newly proposed expression always gives results in fairly good agreement with experimental values ​​over entire temperature range between the fusion temperature Tm and the glass transition temperature Tg of Pd40Ni40P20, Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 and Pd43Cu27Ni10P20, which possess different heat capacities. However, the TS and KN expressions can not always provide results in good agreement with the experimental values. In addition, the deviations between the experimental values ​​and the ΔG calculated by the proposed expression at Tg are smaller than those given by other expressions for all the bulk metallic glasses studied.
患者,男性,50岁。因胸骨后不适1年,胸痛、呕吐10余天,加重3 d,于2007年4月20日急诊携氧气袋平车推入病房。查体:脉搏微弱,呼吸24次/min,血压不能测及,烦躁不安,半卧位,面色苍
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