
来源 :城市轨道交通研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ni_gejianren
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为使城市轨道交通资源被充分利用,以提高城市轨道交通的运营效益,提出了城市轨道交通规划中应采用基于剩余交通需求的城市轨道交通需求预测方法:根据常规交通方式的预测和道路的设计通行能力,求出以客流量表示的各常规交通路段的交通供给;然后根据“四阶段预测法”的交通量分配步骤中的多路径分配法,将城市总交通需求分配到城市常规交通路网上,得到城市总交通需求在各常规交通路段上的分配;再求出交通需求与交通供给之差,即得剩余交通需求;最后根据剩余交通需求进行轨道交通规划。 In order to make full use of the urban rail transit resources to improve the operational efficiency of urban rail transit, the demand forecasting method of urban rail transit based on the remaining traffic demand should be adopted in urban rail transit planning. According to the prediction of conventional traffic mode and the design of the road Traffic capacity, traffic flow to express the traffic flow of the conventional sections; and then based on the “four-stage forecasting” traffic distribution step in the multi-path allocation method, the total urban traffic demand is allocated to the regular traffic network in the city , Get the total urban traffic demand in the regular traffic distribution on the road; then find out the difference between traffic demand and traffic supply, that is, the remaining traffic demand; Finally, based on the remaining traffic demand for rail transport planning.
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