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“在我出生的家乡小镇,居住着一位老船长,他常对我们讲起一生往事,在那潜水艇的王国里。于是我们起航逐日,直到我们找到一片碧绿之海,然后我们生活在海浪之下,在我们的黄色潜水艇里……”每当听到披头士乐队唱起这首《黄色潜水艇》,那天马行空、无忧无虑的年轻岁月仿佛一下子展现在眼前。黄色,是所有色相中最能发光的色彩,给人轻快,透明,辉煌,充满希望的色彩印象。它是如此强烈而醒目,因此也会多少给人轻浮的印象,所以历来很少被运用于家居内部装饰之中。如何将明快的黄色处理得沉稳而耐看,对于设计师是一种考验,本案提供了不少可借鉴之处。“如果你很喜欢某个色彩的话,那么就将它作为主题色吧。你可能在每个房间的装饰之中都加入这个主题色,让总体风格保持视觉上的连贯性,这是一种聪明而省事的做法。”设计师如是说。当主人明确地表示他喜欢亮黄色后,设计师马上找来了黄色的椅子、沙发、桌子等家具以及不少黄色的面料。“这些东西真的花费不多,却能带来令人难以置信的效果。”设计师自信满满地说,“与其花费太多资金打造那些日后不能改变的大型家具,不如多动动软装的 ”In the town where I was born, there was an old captain who often told us about his life in the kingdom of the submarine. So we sailed on a daily basis until we found a green sea and then we lived.“ Under the waves, in our yellow submarine...” Whenever the Beatles sang this “Yellow Submarine,” the day of the horse’s empty, carefree youth seemed to be unveiled. . Yellow is the most luminous color in all colors, giving people a brisk, transparent, brilliant and hopeful color impression. It is so strong and eye-catching, and therefore it will give some frivolous impression, so it has rarely been used in home interior decoration. How to treat the bright yellow with calmness and patience is a test for the designer. This case provides many references. “If you like a particular color, then use it as the theme color. You may add this theme color to each room’s decoration, so that the overall style will remain visually coherent. This is a kind of Smart and easy way.” The designer said. When the owner clearly stated that he likes bright yellow, the designer immediately found yellow chairs, sofas, tables and other furniture and many yellow fabrics. “These things really don’t cost much, but they can bring incredible results.” The designer said confidently, “It would be better to spend too much money on building large furniture that cannot be changed in the future.” Dynamic loading
The clinical effcct of Carboplatin and Etoposide (CE regimen) on 58 cases of small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and 65 The clinical effect of Carboplatin and Etopos
我院自1987年以来收治心脏粘液瘤4例,左房3例手术治愈,右房l例未及手术死于肺栓塞,报道如下。 Our hospital has treated 4 cases of cardiac myxoma since 1987, 3 cases o
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