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在局域网中构造一台补丁服务器就可以使网络内的客户机定期进行自动补丁升级了。目前有很大一部分的病毒是利用windows操作系统的漏洞来攻击计算机的,微软会不定期地发布修复系统漏洞的补丁,但很多用户苦于没有一个有效的手段对局域网内的众多机器及时进行补丁升级,以致造成重大损失。在局域网中构造一台补丁服务器就可以使网络内的客户机aspx?FamilyId=A7AA96E4-6E41-4F54-972C-AE66A4E4BF6C&displaylang=en下载软件,安装过程中选择安装英文版本,其他参数使用默认设置即可。安装完成后在管理窗口左栏中点击“OtherOptions”菜单下的“SetOptions”选项,就可以对服务器的基本参数进行设置。 Constructing a patch server on the LAN will allow clients in the network to perform automatic patch upgrades on a regular basis. Currently a large part of the virus is the use of windows operating system vulnerabilities to attack the computer, Microsoft will release patches to fix system vulnerabilities from time to time, but many users suffer from an effective means to LAN many machines in a timely patch upgrade , Resulting in significant losses. In the local area network to create a patch server can make the client within the network aspx? FamilyId = A7AA96E4-6E41-4F54-972C-AE66A4E4BF6C & displaylang = en download the software, choose to install the English version during installation, the other parameters using the default settings. After the installation is complete, click the “SetOptions ” option in the “OtherOptions ” menu in the left column of the management window to set the basic parameters of the server.
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福建省疟疾发病率从1988 年的0.59降至1997 年 0.04,闽西北地区病例数占全省比例从 61.08%降至 11.38% ,闽南沿海地区则从20.38% 升到54.47% ,随着嗜人按蚊和微小按蚊区疟疾传播得到有效控制,输入病例已占病例数的34.15% 。