
来源 :农村电工 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chukwokhung
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近年来,农村违章用电现象十分严重.以浙江省玉环县为例,1997年4月3日,玉环县供电局用电稽查队查获清港某厂,违章用电容量达125. 5千瓦,逃避缴纳电力工程贴费近7万元.去年一年,该县低压用户审批增容用电容量仅400余千瓦,而被用电稽查队查获的私增用电容量达1000余千瓦.今年3月份,该局分别对楚门、坎门两镇的88户工业低压用户进行抽查,查获违章用户 39户,占被查用户的44. 3%.1 违章用电的原因1.1 法制观念淡薄.违章用电现象主要发生在个体、私营等股份制企业,这些企业主很少学习,特别是对电力法规了解甚少,什么违章用电等一概不知.1.2 经济利益驱动.目前电力工程贴费,低压用户每千瓦550元.一家100千瓦的低压用户,仅工程贴费一项就需一次性交纳5.5万元,加上电费保证金、电能表保证金、施工费等,数额就更大.100千瓦用户一年不缴工程贴费,以民间借贷利息2%计算,一年利息就达13200元.如果加上电费保证金、电能表保证金、施工费等,那利息数额就更大.所以有些单位宁肯交纳 In recent years, the phenomenon of rural electricity in violation of regulations is very serious to Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Province, for example, April 3, 1997, Yuhuan County Power Supply Bureau inspection team seized a factory in Hong Kong, illegal use of capacity of 125.5 kilowatts, Last year, the county approved the use of low-voltage power storage capacity of only 400 kilowatts, while the private inspection team was seized by the electric capacity of more than 1000 kilowatts this year 3 Month, the bureau respectively carried out random checks on 88 low-voltage industrial users in the two towns of Chumen and Kanmen, and found 39 illegal users, accounting for 44.3% of the users checked.1 Reasons for illegal use of electricity 1.1 The concept of legal system is weak. Electricity occurs mainly in the private sector, private joint-stock enterprises, these business owners rarely learn, especially little understanding of the power laws and regulations, what the unlawful electricity and so on.1.2 driven by economic interests.At present, power engineering affixed to the low-voltage users Per kilowatt 550. A 100 kilowatts of low-voltage users, only one project to pay a need to pay a one-time 55,000 yuan, plus the electricity bill, electricity meter deposits, construction costs, the greater the amount of 100 kilowatts a year Do not pay engineering fees, private loans to interest 2 % Calculation, one year interest amounted to 13200 yuan.If you add electricity deposit, electric energy meter deposit, construction costs, then the amount of interest is even greater.So some units would rather pay
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