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填加物对放氢作用有着很大的影响,有的是显著的促进作用,有的却是极强的抑制怍用。从我们在文献[3]中报道的糖类对放氢作用的影响来看,即便是同一类填加物所起的作用也很不相同。本文是接文献[3]对填加物影响的继续研究。Schrauzer认为Na~+、Ni~(2+)等离子有促进作用,而Al~(3+)、Mg~(2+)、Mn~(2+)表现为抑制作用,但他没有给予任何阐明。在本文中,我们仍以文献[4,5]中提出的新的放氢机理作指导,通过对金属离子存在下Fe(OH)_2歧化产物的穆斯堡尔研究,探讨金属离子这类填加物对放氢作用的影响的机理。鉴于金属离子种类(Me~+、Me~(2=)、Me~(3+))较多,本文仅讨论Me~(2+)型,其它类型将另文报道。 Filler has a great impact on the role of hydrogen release, and some are significant to promote the role, while others are extremely strong inhibition. The effect of sugars on hydrogen evolution, as reported in [3], is very different even for the same type of packing. This article is the continuation of the literature [3] on the impact of fillings. Schrauzer thought that Na ~ + and Ni ~ (2+) could promote the plasma, while Al ~ (3 +), Mg ~ (2+) and Mn ~ (2+) showed inhibitory effect, but he did not give any elucidation. In this paper, we still use the new mechanism of hydrogen release proposed in [4] and [5] as a guide, and through the Mossbauer study on the disproportionation of Fe (OH) 2 in the presence of metal ions, Mechanism of the effect of the additive on the hydrogen releasing effect. In view of the metal ion species (Me ~ +, Me ~ (2 =), Me ~ (3+)) more, this article discusses only Me ~ (2+) type, the other types will be reported separately.
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本文研究了用高压离子交换排代法富集锂同位素时,理论塔板当量高度(HETP)和离子交换树脂的颗粒度(?)之间的定量关系,得到 H=(?),α=2.4,证明了 Snyder 公式适用于简单排代机
本文报导用Aronoff法测定的十五种卟啉的质子化常数(K_3和K_4),并讨论了中位取代基(硝基、氯和甲氧基)对常数的影响。 The protonation constants (K_3 and K_4) of fifteen
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