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算起来在我们四姊妹中长得最好看的是老三,最老实厚道的非老四莫属。母亲生老四的时候我已经能清晰地记事了,初春还是晚冬记不清了,好像天气不太好,冷飕飕的。那天我不知道忽然犯了哪门子贱,哭哭啼啼纠缠着母亲,要在她的怀窝里坐一坐。母亲肚子疼,脸色很差,一再拒绝我。我像跟屁虫一样跟着她,从炕上撵到地下,从地下赶到院子里,再从院子里追到后院的茅厕里。最后母亲忍无可忍,一脚将我踢翻在地,我在地上哭,她则捂着肚子扶着墙慢慢往屋子里挪脚步。哭声 It seems the best of our four sisters is the youngest, the most honest and non-irresponsible. When I was a child, I was able to clearly remember my mother’s death. I could not remember the early spring or the late winter, as if the weather was not good and I was cold-headed. That day I do not know which son suddenly cheap, crying entangled mother, to sit in her arms. Mother stomach ache, his face is very poor, repeatedly refused me. I followed her like a heel, from the kang to the ground, rushed to the yard from the ground, and then chased from the yard to the backyard of the latrine. Finally, the mother intolerable, kicked me kicked to the ground, I cried on the ground, while she clutched the stomach clinging to the wall and slowly move into the house. Crying
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