
来源 :岩土力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiazaikankan
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CO2地质封存是减少温室气体向大气排放的有效措施之一,而深部咸含水层CO2地质封存是目前可行的最有潜力的封存技术。先前研究表明,松辽盆地是一个潜在的封存场地。基于对松辽盆地地质资料的初步分析,选取三肇凹陷的姚家组1段和青山口组2、3段地层作为CO2的注入层,建立一个典型二维模型,研究CO2注入后的迁移规律。结果表明,CO2注入后会向上和侧向迁移,后期可能出现的对流作用能促进CO2的溶解。残留气体饱和度、注入层水平和垂直渗透率的比值对模拟结果影响最大。此外,储层中的薄页岩夹层有利于CO2的溶解,因此,在保证注入性和封存量的情况下,储层中低渗透性夹层是允许的。 Geological sequestration of CO2 is one of the effective measures to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, and the geological storage of CO2 in deep saline aquifers is the most potential storage technology currently available. Previous studies have shown that Songliao Basin is a potential storage site. Based on the preliminary analysis of the geological data in Songliao Basin, the first member of the Yaoji Formation and the second and third members of the Qingshankou Formation in the Sanzhao Sag were selected as the injection layers of CO2. A typical two-dimensional model was established to study the migration rules after CO2 injection . The results showed that CO2 could migrate upwards and laterally, and the possible convection could promote the dissolution of CO2. Residual gas saturation, injection layer level and vertical permeability ratio of the impact of the simulation results. In addition, thin-shale intercalations in the reservoir contribute to the dissolution of CO2, so low-permeability interbeds in the reservoir are allowed with guaranteed injection and sequestration.
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