先天无眼球畸形极少见。我院于1960年见到一例双侧性无眼球畸形。为了区别其系真正的无眼球抑为极度小眼球,嘱其家属待患儿大几岁时再来检查,该患儿7、8岁时来检查,结果仍无眼球迹象。报告如下: 患者丁××,系四个月的女孩,其祖母代诉:患儿系第一胎,自下生从未睁过眼。查无眼球,身体各部均无异常。家族史:父母健在,无畸形,家族中亦无先天性畸形史。体格检查:各部发育正常。眼部情况:双侧跟眶上下缘存在,眶上缘与上睑交接处之皮肤内陷呈一条沟形。上睑较宽,下睑
Congenital non-eyeball deformities rare. In our hospital in 1960 to see a case of bilateral non-eyeball deformity. In order to distinguish the Department of true non-eyeball is extremely small eye, asked his family to treat children at the age of re-examination, the children check at 7,8 years old, the result is still no eye sign. The report is as follows: Patient × ×, Department of four-month girl, his grandmother on behalf of: the first child of the fetus, never seen his eyes after birth. No eye check, no abnormalities in the body parts. Family history: parents are alive, no deformity, no history of congenital malformations in the family. Physical examination: All ministries are well developed. Ocular conditions: both sides with the supraorbital margin exists, the supraorbital margin and the upper eyelid at the junction of the skin was a groove-shaped. Upper eyelid wider, lower eyelid