原上海市消防局高级工程师黄士荣同志,因患突发性脑血栓并发肺炎,经抢救无效于1994年3月15日在上海第九人民医院逝世,享年65岁。 黄士荣同志1929年10月,出生在江苏省阜宁县一个贫苦农民的家庭。解放前因生活所迫,来上海打工,做苦力。1950年3月黄士荣同志投身人民消防事业,历任嵩山消防中队通讯员、班长、消防处科员,1988年3月任副团职监督员,1991年12月经公安部专业技术职务评审委员会评审通过了高级工程师的任职资格。1991年11月加入中国共产党。 黄士荣同志的一生是为人民消防事业贡献毕生精力的一生,早在五、六十年代,他就是《解放日报》、《文汇
Huang Shirong, former senior engineer of Shanghai Fire Department comrades, died of sudden cerebral thrombosis complicated with pneumonia after being rescued on March 15, 1994 in Shanghai No. 9 People’s Hospital, at the age of 65. Comrade Huang Shirong was born in October 1929 in a poor peasant family in Funing County, Jiangsu Province. Forced to live before liberation, to Shanghai to work, coolies. In March 1950, Comrade Huang Shirong devoted himself to the cause of fire and served as a communications officer, monitor and fire department of Songshan Fire Squadron. He was appointed as deputy regiment supervisor in March 1988 and was supervised and approved by the Ministry of Public Security’s professional and technical job evaluation committee in December 1991. Engineer’s qualifications. November 1991 to join the Chinese Communist Party. The life of Comrade Huang Shirong was his life-long contribution to the cause of fire of the people. As early as the 1950s and 1960s, he was the author of “Liberation Daily,” "Wenhui