
来源 :贵州农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chshlu
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当前我省各地对土地尤其是对中低产田土的划价标准有不同看法,从而影响到各类土地质量的评定,使各类土地资源的数量和质量不易查清。为了更好地应用土壤普查成果,本文力求结合我省实际,以土壤及其环境质量的优劣和影响主要大田粮食作物产量的因素为依据,试拟贵州土地质量鉴别标准和方法,以供参考。 一 研究土地质量,除了要研究土壤本体性状之外,还必须研究土壤及其与环境间(物质与能量)的相互关系,以及土壤及其环境质量的优劣对农作物产量影响的反映,如此才能获得土地全面的质量标准。由于我省中低产田土面积较大,农业生产的发展和土地潜力的发挥,在很大程度上取决于中低产田土的改良利用工作。因此,在制订中低产田土改良利用方案时,首先要在摸清土地全面质量标准的基础上,找出中低产田土低产的主导因素,再根据中低产田土的鉴定标准,划分出若干类型和亚型, At present, there are different opinions on the price-setting criteria for the land, especially for low- and middle-yielding soils, in various parts of our province, thus affecting the assessment of the quality of various types of land so that the quantity and quality of various types of land resources can not be easily identified. In order to better apply the results of soil census, this paper tries to combine with the actual situation in our province to test the quality and standards of Guizhou land based on the factors that affect the quality of soil and its environment and the yield of main field crops for reference . A study of the quality of the land, in addition to studying the properties of the soil itself, must also study the relationship between the soil and its environment (matter and energy) and the impact of the quality of the soil and its environment on crop yield, and so on Get comprehensive land quality standards. Due to the large area of ​​low and medium-yielding land in our province, the development of agricultural production and the development of land potential depend to a large extent on the improvement and utilization of middle- and low-yielding soils. Therefore, when formulating middle and low-yielding land improvement and utilization programs, we must find out the dominant factors of low and middle-yielding soil low yield on the basis of finding out the comprehensive quality standards of the land. According to the identification criteria of low and middle-yielding soil, type,
(三)主要机具修梯田的施工工效 研究施工工效的目的有二:一是为推广实施机修梯田求得施工的工效定额,作为计算机修梯田成本费用的主要依据;二是作为研究机修梯田施工中提高
当我还是一名记者([浅坟]Shallow Grave,1994)的时候,我并没有想过自 己会在两年后过上如此颓废的生活([猜 火车]Train Spotting,1996)。好吧,我承 认我脾气不太好。所以我带
福特汽车仍然在困境中徘徊。于是,他认为也许有人比自己更适合CEO这个职位。  48岁的福特汽车CEO比尔·福特有着哈姆雷特般的烦恼,他正在思考哈姆雷特的那个著名的问题:生存还是死亡?  今年以来,由于车辆销售下降,以及原材料成本和雇用成本上升等因素,福特汽车可能面临巨额亏损。华尔街穆迪投资服务公司将福特汽车公司的信用级别下降到比垃圾级稍微高一些。不久前,标准普尔公司将福特汽车公司和通用汽车公司的债