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数字化图书馆是提供内容丰富的经过整序的多种媒体形式的数字化信息的机构。首先,它具有存储海量信息的能力;其次,它具有处理信息的先进技术手段,其信息是经过整序的,而不是杂乱无章的;再次,其目的是为用户提供高效方便的服务。数字化图书馆发展至今,已经突破了时空的限制,但是却仍然没有攻克语言的障碍,因此就需要开发出能够进行自动实时翻译的系统。同时,由于输入形式的多样化,可以进行语音输入、手写输入等,还可将大量存在于纸张上的信息扫描后转化为数字化信息。要使信息的转化高速、正确和可靠,自动识别技术就显得至关重要。此外,要想在数字化图书馆的海量信息中快捷有效的找出所需的信息,就迫切需要智能检索技术的支持。 Digital libraries are organizations that provide rich, ordered, multi-media forms of digitized information. First of all, it has the ability to store vast amounts of information. Second, it has the advanced technical means of processing information. The information is organized rather than disorganized. Thirdly, its purpose is to provide users with efficient and convenient services. Digital library development so far has exceeded the time and space constraints, but still no language barriers to overcome, it is necessary to develop a system capable of automatic real-time translation. At the same time, due to the diversification of input forms, voice input, handwriting input and the like can be performed, and a large amount of information existing on paper can be scanned and converted into digitized information. To make information transformation fast, correct and reliable, automatic identification technology is crucial. In addition, the intelligent retrieval technology is urgently needed in order to quickly and effectively find out the required information in the vast library of digital libraries.
“New year’s Eye Fires and Lights ofthe Lantern Festival”—seeing-in twoimportant traditional festivals,the lunarNew Year and the Lantern Festival,celebrated
“葡萄牙”或许是所有国名中翻 译得最传神、最贴切的,能 与之媲美的恐怕只有“冰 岛”和法国的“枫丹白露”了。更令人叫绝的是,16世纪的翻译家并未到过葡萄牙,甚至根本不
乌鲁木齐──孜台──民丰──和田──喀什──阿克苏──库车──吐鲁番,车行四千多公里。穿越“死亡之海”一睹千年古迹,逛“巴扎”谒“麻扎”,饱览民族风情。 破晓时分睡意
ASK where fairyland is on earth andsome people will say you need look nofurther than Wuyi Mountain. Located on theboarder of Fujian and Jiangxi provinces, WuyiM
自从别人向我介绍了巴东我就一直怅惘着巴东行。三月下旬我终于踏上了巴东的土地。 从长江三峡的起始点四川奉节顺江而下在巫峡与西陵峡之间江左山峡被一条溪水劈开,这就是国