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《中华人民共和国民法总则》(以下简称总则)作为我国民法典的开篇之作,已于2017年3月15日在第十二届全国人民代表大会第五次会议上,以2782票赞成高票表决通过,并将于今年10月1日施行。《民法总则》的施行,将会对我们的生活带来哪些影响?《法庭内外》杂志社特别策划推出“你生活中离不开的《民法总则》”专栏,向读者进行介绍。孩子是祖国的未来,《民法总则》施行后将会给胎儿及未成年人相关民事权益保护带来哪些积极影响?在保护胎儿及未成年人合法民事权益的过程中应当特别注意哪些问题?相信大家读完本文后,会有些许心得和收获。近年来,农村留守儿童权利保护、遭受性侵害的未成年人权益保护等热点、难点法律问题一再撩拨公众神经,成为社会关注的高频话题。《民法总则》在继承吸收通则关于未成年人权益保护方面的基本制度和一般规定的基础上,根据经济社会发展的新情况和社会公众的新需求新期待,对胎儿和未成年人权益保护作出了回应,体现了鲜明的时代特性。 The General Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on Civil Law (hereinafter referred to as the General Provisions), the opening of China’s civil code, was voted 2782 votes in favor at the 5th Session of the 12th National People’s Congress on March 15, 2017 Voting passed and will be implemented on October 1 this year. “The General Rules of Civil Law,” the implementation of our lives will bring what impact? “Inside and outside the court” magazine plans to launch “you can not live without the” General Principles of Civil Law “column, to introduce readers. Children are the future of the motherland. What positive impacts will the ”General Provisions of the Civil Law" have on the protection of fetus and minors after they are implemented? Which issues should be paid special attention to in protecting the legal rights and interests of the fetus and minors? After you read this article, there will be some experience and harvest. In recent years, the protection of the rights of left-behind children in rural areas and the protection of the rights and interests of minors who have been sexually abused are all hot and difficult issues. Legal issues have repeatedly pushed public nerves to become the high-frequency topic of social concern. On the basis of inheriting General Rules and General Provisions on the Protection of the Rights and Interests of Minors, the General Principles of the Civil Law newly envisions new protection of the rights of the fetus and minors based on the new situation of economic and social development and new expectations of the social public Response, embodies the distinctive characteristics of the times.
4.二次电源电路CPD-201VS 显示器二次电源电路如图4所示。它在 IC501的①脚加上+12V 直流电压,其内基准电压源工作为控制电路提供偏置,OSC 内恒流源对 4. Secondary power
[教学片断]    师:父亲过铁道买橘一段,是《背影》中的经典段落、文笔精华,曾让无数读者感动不已。可怜天下父母心,同学们能联想到与作者相似的经历和感受,品味其中蕴含的父子深情吗?  生1:文中父亲说:“我走了。到那边来信!”这让我想起每次离家返校,妈妈总要叮嘱我到校后给家里打个电话。文中父亲一定是担心儿子的旅途安全,要儿子写信报平安。  生2:这一段结尾“等他的背影混入来来往往的人里,再找不着了
一、单项选择题(本题包括26小题,每题2分,共52分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意) 1.图1是几种生物的分类图,关于①②③三类生物各自共同特征的叙述正确的是( ) First, singl