Performance Analysis of Two CFAR Detectors in Clutter Edge Situation

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:windy_yuan
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This paper studies the performance of the GOSGO and GOSSO CFAR detectors [1] in clutter edge situation. The authors derive the analytic expressions of the false alarm probabilities in that situation, analyze their performances against clutter edge, and compare them with the OS, CA, GO and SO detectors. The results show that GOSGO possesses better performance than GO for countering clutter, but the performance of GOSSO is very unideal. This paper studies the performance of the GOSGO and GOSSO CFAR detectors [1] in clutter edge situation. The authors derive the analytic expressions of the false alarm probabilities in that situation, analyze their performances against clutter edges, and compare them with the OS, CA , GO and SO detectors. The results show that GOSGO possesses better performance than GO for countering clutter, but the performance of GOSSO is very unideal.
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