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  Olivia: Hi Sarah!
  Sarah: Hi!
  Magda: How are you?
  Sarah: Oh, not bad, I suppose.
  Bindyu: What’s up?
  Sarah: Nothing really...just that...well, I hope Carlos isn’t coming in today.
  Olivia: Why not?
  Sarah: Well, he took me out on a date last night.
  Magda: Great!
  Bindyu: That’s the second time you’ve been out together, isn’t it?
  Sarah: Yes—and it’ll be the last!
  Olivia: Oh no! What happened?
  Sarah: Well, he asked me to go out with him, but didn’t tell me where we were going.
  Magda: Ooh...a surprise—how great!
  Sarah: No—it wasn’t great!
  Olivia: Where did he take you?
  Sarah: To a football match!!!
  Magda: Oh. I didn’t know you liked football. Sarah: I don’t! I hate it!
  Olivia: Who was playing?
  Sarah: I don’t know. One team in red, the other team in blue. It was so boring!
  Olivia: Why did he take you there?
  Sarah: I don’t know—the stupid thing is, he doesn’t like football either!
  (door’s open)
  Olivia: I think I know why he took you. Hello Fadi! Hello Johnny!
  Fadi/Johnny: Hi all!
  Sarah: Hi.
  Olivia: Can I ask you two a question?
  Fadi: Sure.
  Olivia: Was it your idea for Carlos to take Sarah to a football match?
  Fadi: Erm, er...
  Johnny: It was Fadi’s idea.
  Fadi: No it wasn’t! It was your idea!
  Olivia: OK, OK, enough.
  Fadi: So, Sarah—did you have a good time?
  Sarah: Hmmmphhh.
  Johnny: I think that means no. Sarah: It was awful.
  Fadi: Poor Carlos.
  Johnny: Yeah—he’s crazy about you!
  Magda: I think he’s so sweet.
  Bindyu: Yeah, he is. You should try going out with him again.
  Sarah: No way.
  Magda: Go on! Give him another chance!
  Sarah: I don’t know. I’m not sure.
  (door’s open)
  Bindyu: Oh. Here he is now!
  Carlos: Hello everyone!
  All: Hi Carlos!
  Carlos: How are you all today?
  All: Yeah. Good. Great! Fine! Not bad. OK.
  Olivia: So, I hear you and Sarah went out again last night?
  Carlos: Oh, erm, yeah...I don’t want to talk about it.
  Johnny: Sorry—perhaps our great idea wasn’t so great after all.
  Carlos: No. It wasn’t.
  Olivia: Never mind—ask her out again.
  Carlos: No way.
  Olivia: OK. I’ll do it for you then!
  Carlos: No!
  Olivia: Yes!   Carlos: (to himself) Oh no.
  Olivia: Hey, Sarah—I’ve just seen there’s a great new film coming out this weekend.
  Sarah: Oh yeah? Sounds good—I love cinema. Why don’t we go together?
  Olivia: OK. Oh, no. I’ve just realised—I can’t go to the cinema this weekend. I have to look after Joe.
  Sarah: Oh…
  Bindyu: I’d love to come, but I’m…helping Olivia with Joe.
  Johnny: I’m working all weekend...as usual!
  Fadi: Yeah—I’d go, but I’m playing football with Harry.
  Sarah: Oh.
  Carlos: I’m not doing anything. I love cinema.
  Sarah: I didn’t know you liked cinema! You never told me.
  Olivia: Excellent! Carlos can go with you! You have something in common.
  Sarah: Oh well...erm...OK then.
  Carlos: Great—I’m looking forward to it!
  All: (laughter)
  Olivia: Fadi.
  Fadi: Yeah.
  Olivia: Are you really playing football with Harry this weekend?
  Fadi: Yeah...only on Saturday afternoon though. Olivia: So you’re free on Saturday night?
  Fadi: Erm, yeah.
  Olivia: You’re not going out with one of your girlfriends?
  Fadi: Erm, no.
  Olivia: Well, Bindyu will look after Joe on Saturday night.
  Fadi: So?
  Olivia: So I’m not doing anything on Saturday night.
  Fadi: Oh.
  Olivia: (sighs) Look—I mean—why don’t we go out together?
  Fadi: Us? Me and you?
  Olivia: Yes.
  Fadi: Erm...er...OK...yeah! Great! Let’s go out for something to eat!
  Olivia: Finally! I thought you’d never ask!
  All: (laughter)
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