On Differences between Chinese and Western Marriage Customs

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  Abstract: As it is known, there exist many distinctions between Chinese and Western marriage customs. This paper is to discover the different customs between Chinese and Western marriage and analyze the reasons for the distinctions.
  Key words: marriage customs; culture; difference; tradition
  1. Introduction
  In almost each culture people have the custom of holding weddings. Marriage customs in different countries and nations contain their own cultural and national features. Marriage customs in China are quite distinct from those in English-speaking countries in the west. This paper aims at the differences between Chinese marriage and Western marriage customs by contrasting their traditional marriage and tries to explore the reasons causing the differences.
  2. The differences between Chinese and western marriage customs
  2.1 the difference in procedures
  China is a vast country with various marriage customs in different areas. But in general Chinese people follow six procedures in traditional marriage, namely, proposing, asking the name, asking for fortune, sending betrothal present to girl’s family, discussing date of marriage and meeting the bride. Compared with Chinese marriage, Western marriage is simpler and there are a few standard customs acknowledged as being traditional: proposal, engagement, choosing the day and holding the wedding.
  2.2 the difference in dressing
  In China, the groom is traditionally dressed in a long gown, red shoes and red silk sash with a red silk ball in the shape of flower on his chest. The bride is also in red with her head covered in red veil. The white wedding gown is the most popular dressing among western people. However, this was a tradition until Queen Victoria (1840) in her long white wedding dress impressed the westerners.
  2.3 the difference in marriage media
  In ancient China, matchmaker was essential because marriage without matchmaker was considered illegal and not accepted by society. In the west, the priest is necessary when holding a marriage. In Christian’s opinions, marriage is not valid unless the ceremony is hosted by priest.
  2.4 the difference in atmosphere of marriage
  In the traditional wedding in China, the drums and firecrackers are essential. The bridal chamber after banquet shows the bustling atmosphere even more. The western wedding is romantic. Usually, the wedding is held in a church with a priest as the host. The bride usually wears a long beautiful white wedding dress, and her face is covered in a white veil. It makes the wedding solemn and serious.   3. A tentative analysis of reasons for the distinctions
  Among all the religions which people seek to worship, Christianity is by far the most influential in the west, which affects every aspect of people’s life. Since marriage was stipulated as law by church, western marriage customs have been in relation with religion.
  3.2 Cultural Origins
  Confucianism is the most influential philosophy in ancient China. Under the influence of it Chinese people are very conservative and old-fashioned. In ancient china “men and women are not allowed to get close to each other” is very popular. So matchmakers become the distinctive culture in ancient China. In addition, etiquette is attached much importance in ancient China. Only when the combination of a man and woman abides by certain etiquette can it be accepted by society. Marriage customs in the west are much simpler than in China. Wedding in ancient Britain was just the celebration within family until 1706 when the Winchester Council stipulated marriage should get the blessing from priests. Wedding ceremony has begun to be held in church since 13th century.
  3.3 Aesthetic standards
  The Chinese wedding’s main color is red, which is the traditional representative color of festivity. Chinese people have worshiped red color since ancient times regarding red as the symbol of happiness and success all the time. White wedding is preferred in the west. Seen with westerners’ eyes, white is the representative of dignity, beauty and purity and is regarded as the symbol of integrity, fairness and purity.
  4. Conclusion
  Each custom in marriage has its own cultural sources. Due to different aesthetics, religions and cultural origins, Chinese marriage customs and western marriage customs vary obviously. In the development of traditional Chinese marriage customs Confucianism is a dominant element. Wedding ceremony is actually the celebration of the production of offspring and therefore the scene of bustle and excitement. The most influential element in western marriage is Christianity. Marriage is vertically the signature of a contract before the God in their eyes and therefore solemn and holy.
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《英语课程标准》明确提出“培养学生一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础”。要让学生读好、读准英语,我们不能让他们只是通过图画或动作来机械地识记,而更应该教给他们正确的方法,让他们逐步学会自己拼读、识记单词,为进一步学习英语打下基础。如何更好地进行入门阶段的语音教学,成为当前广大英语教师共同关注的焦点问题。当前的小学英语教学存在着一些不容忽视的问题:  一、学生不懂发音规则,死记硬背  多数孩子在学习英
摘 要:四种语言能力教学中,写作因诸多原因尤其是重结果轻过程的教学方式,以及没有进行读说写语言能力整合教学导致其一直是教學的薄弱点,本文践行新课标的编写原则指导和写作的认知原理,利用外研版高中英语教材的编撰特征:以话题即主题为核心,以结构和功能项目为主线,主题高频词汇句法突出,篇章结构特征显著等。通过任务型活动实现教学目的,进行语言能力整合和主题过程性写作教学,引导学生在写作过程中分析总结所学教材
一、前言  教育部《关于高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》指出,高职高专英语教学应以“培养学生实际运用语言的能力为目标,突出教学内容的实用性和针对性”。“学一句,会一句,用一句”符合高职英语口语教学要求。在高职综合英语教学中,学生的英语口语水平成为了听说读写四种技能中最为薄弱的一环。因此,如何寻找一种积极有效的方法来改进高职综合英语口语教学,提高学生的英语口语水平已成为当前高职英语教学中急需解决的
在英语教学中要真正提高学生的英语素养,英语教学应与学生的生活实践紧密地结合,组织学生开展探索性、研究性的学习活动,学生是学习的主人,教师的作用在于成为学生学习英语的组织者、引导者和合作者。建立“以学生为主体”的英语教学方式,使英语学习既有利于学生打好英语基础,又有利于学生形成健全人格,更有利于学生去探索、创新。究竟怎样建构“以学生为主体”的英语教学方式呢?下面谈谈我的一些做法:  一、在课堂教学改
摘 要:教师专业发展是教师不断强化专业技能和提高教育教学水平的过程,而校本教研是实现教师专业发展的基本途径。本文阐述了校本教研对大学英语教师专业发展的促进作用,并在此基础上论述了实现大学英语教师专业发展的策略。  关键词:校本教研;教师专业发展;策略  教师专业发展已成为我国教育教学改革的趋势,也是当下教育改革实践提出的一个具有重大理论意义的课题。在教师专业发展的进程中,充分体现出了教师在教育实践
一、概述  本单元是普通高中课程标准实验教科书英语8(选修)第四单元。它是选自英国著名剧作家萧伯纳的名篇,该剧本是根据一个经典的希腊传说改编而成的Pygmalion。  本节课是本单元的精读课,是此单元的第二课时,课文内容是一个剧本。本节课是在上一节热身课和预习的基础上,所以学生能在performing, careful reading, critical reading, creative th
写作一直是我国英语教学中最为薄弱的环节,而书面表达也是很多高中学生觉得最难提高的部分。学生会勤于做选择题而不愿意花时间去完成一篇书面表达。我认为,其中的主要原因有三方面: 一方面,教师对学生写作能力的培养不到位;另一方面,学生不勤于思考,因而懒于动笔:三是对学生写作的评价过于简单和格式化,不能体现个性。这三方面也是相辅相成的:教师重视对学生写作能力的培养,在课堂上有意识地让学生逐步接受英语表达的思
摘 要:中学英语自主与合作教学策略的实施,是课程教学的重要目标,能够为学生提供更为丰富的语言学习运用策略,促进学生语言知识技能有效内化生成。自主与合作教学策略体现了生本主义教学理念,鼓励学生在互相尊重和信任的学习环境氛围下,积极交流探讨,更好地体现学习主人翁地位,发挥好主体角色作用,培养他们丰富的语言学习想象思维和综合语言表达运用能力。  关键词:自主;合作;学习;英语  中学英语自主与合作教学策
保持积极的情感态度是英语学习成功的关键。新《课标》指出:情感态度是指兴趣、动机、自信、意志和合作精神等影响学生学习过程和学习效果的相关因素以及在学习过程中逐渐形成的祖国意识和国际视野。  基础教育阶段是青少年情感态度发展的重要时期,培养学生的情感态度,就是关注青少年的健康发展的一个重要方面。对情感因素的忽略成为英语教学效果不够理想的因素之一,培养学生对学科积极的情感和正确的态度,也就是发展学生的兴
摘 要:英语探究性学习的宗旨:激发学生英语学习的兴趣,突出英语实践的学习,是有效地连接课内外阅读、合作探讨共同提高、培养学生个性发展与创新精神、改变传统的教学观念和方式 、培养学生解决问题的综合素质和创造性学习能力的新型学习方式。  关键词:探究性学习;英语教学;创新能力培养  在教育从应试技能为重心转向以发展人的全面素质为重心的改革前提下,“探究性学习”这种以培养学生解决问题的综合素质和创造能力