Reservoir space types and the factors influencing the characteristics of spherulite in rhyolite

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tinggu
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Oil-gas reservoir space types involving spherulite in pyromeride rocks are common in the Lower Cretaceous Shangkuli Formation, the Hailar Basin, China. The main types include interspherulite fissures, interlayer fissures, intraspherulite concentric rings and net microcracks, cavity pores, dissolution pores, and devitrification pores. The first two were found to restrict the effective plane porosity of interspherulite. Devitrification microporosities, microcracks, cavity pores, and spherulite diameter influence the effective plane porosity of intraspherulite. The degree of dissolution is determined by the degree of development and the type of intraspherulite microcracks. Another important role of ring and net microcracks is to connect devitrification pores to form a pore and fissure network. Finally, chilling contraction plays an important role in the form and development of interspherulite fissures, microcracks, and cavity pores. The diameter of spherulite restricts chilling contraction, especially when the diameter is between the common spherulites and lithophysae, thus benefiting microcrack and cavity pore formation. To summarize, devitrification microporosities represent excellent oil reservoir space, while offering micro-channels for the movement of formation water and organic fluids. However, the inclusion of microcracks improves this capacity. The main types include interspherulite fissures, interlayer fissures, intraspherulite concentric rings and net microcracks, cavity pores, dissociation pores, and The first two were found to restrict the effective plane porosity of interspherulite. Devitrification microporosities, microcracks, cavity pores, and spherulite diameter influence the effective plane porosity of intraspherulite. The degree of dissolution is determined by the degree of development and the type Another important role of ring and net microcracks is to connect devitrification pores to form a pore and fissure network. Finally, chilling contraction plays an important role in the form and development of interspherulite fissures, microcracks, and cavity pores. of spherulite restricts chilling contractio n, especially when the diameter is between the common spherulites and lithophysae, thus benefiting microcrack and cavity pore formation. However, the inclusion of microcracks improves this capacity.
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