
来源 :中国职业技术教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:982114
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深化内涵建设是我国高职教育在“后示范时期”进一步巩固示范建设成果,实现科学发展,保持前行动力的根本路径。其中,专业内涵建设是新时期高职院校深化内涵建设的重要内容,高职院校应当通过构建科学的专业内涵建设指标体系推动学校的内涵发展。文章阐述了高职院校专业内涵建设指标体系的功能,分析了指标体系诸要素及指标体系各要素权重确定的原则、方法,并在此基础上探索构建专业内涵建设指标体系 Deepening the construction of connotation is the basic path for our country’s higher vocational education to further consolidate the achievements in demonstration construction and achieve scientific development and maintain its forward momentum at the post-demonstration period of “post-demonstration period.” Among them, the construction of professional connotation is an important part of deepening the connotation construction of higher vocational colleges in the new era. Higher vocational colleges should promote the connotative development of the school through constructing the index system of scientific connotation construction. The article expounds the function of the index system of professional connotation construction in higher vocational colleges, analyzes the principle and method of determining the various elements of the index system and the weight of each factor of the index system, and on this basis, explores the construction of index system of professional connotation construction
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