
来源 :广州市财贸管理干部学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjk8818
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我国的商品批发体制是在建国初期,为了掌握货源和对私改造建立起未的。这种以一、二、三级站为主体的,实行固定供应区域,固定供应对象,固定倒扣作价的商品批发通流体制是单一的、多环节的、封闭式的商品流通模式的主要组成部分。它对稳定市场和稳定物价,改造私营工商业,支持工农业生产,合理分配日用消费品等都曾起过积极作用。但是,这种产品分配式的批发体制,同商品生产的大发展日益不相适应。《中共中央关于经济体制改革的决定》指出:“实行政企职责分开以后,要充分发挥城市的中心作用,逐步形成以城市,特别是大中城市为依托的、不同规模的、开放式网 China’s commodity wholesale system was established in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, in order to grasp the source of goods and to establish the private transformation. This type of station is mainly composed of stations of Class I, II, and III. It implements a fixed supply area, fixed supply targets, and a fixed, down-quoted commodity wholesale flow system is the main component of a single, multi-linked, closed commodity circulation model. section. It has played a positive role in stabilizing the market and stabilizing prices, transforming private industry and commerce, supporting industrial and agricultural production, and rationally distributing daily consumer goods. However, this wholesale distribution system of products is increasingly incompatible with the great development of commodity production. The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on Economic System Reform” pointed out: "After separating the responsibilities of real administrative enterprises, we must give full play to the central role of the city and gradually form an open network of different scales based on cities, especially large and medium-sized ones.
The history of the Massachusettss Institute of Technology spans al most 150 years since it was founded in 1861 . MIT has played pivotal roles in the many scient
This essay reviews some literature in literacy development and language teaching and establishes some principles forthe evaluation of the literacy skills focuse
“为实现产业升级,东阳针织内衣服装产业将依靠专业市场的终端优势,从产品竞争转向渠道突围。”10月23日,在浙江东阳举行的2007中国针织内衣服装产 “In order to achieve