Analysis of Environmental and Socio-economic Determinants Affecting Population Longevity Level at Co

来源 :Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tanleilei
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Based on the current literature, this paper is mainly intended to test whether environmental factors and socio-economic factors will have direct effect on the longevity at county level in China in order to determine the major determinants affecting local longevity level. Using the multi-regression model, we find the result that factors such as temperature, climate, longitude, type of soils, as well as type of agricultural food production play a major role in shaping the longevity at county level, and that socio- economic factors like infant mortality and gross death rate also have some direct impact on longevity, but the degree of impact is not as strong as the above environmental factors. Based on the current literature, this paper is primarily intended to test whether environmental factors and socio-economic factors will have direct effect on the longevity at county level in China in order to determine the major determinants affecting local longevity level. Using the multi-regression Model, we find the result that factors such as temperature, climate, longitude, type of soils, as well as type of agricultural food production play a major role in shaping the longevity at county level, and that socio-economic factors like infant mortality and Gross death rate also have some direct impact on longevity, but the degree of impact is not as strong as the above environmental factors.
河南省息县1990年臭椿皮蛾Eligmanarcissus Gramer猖獗,当年新叶全被吃光,继而蚕食老叶。9—10月间在县城周围等地发现该虫大量自然死亡。感病幼虫3—5天停止取食,8天后吐水
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