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安徽今年的水灾,损失严重,为解放以来所罕见。今年水灾已不是历史的简单重复,而是具有与以往下同的新特点。一是早,今年汛情比往年提早半个多月,以至小麦大半失收;二是大,灾区面积遍及全省大部分地区;三重,许多地方雨量过大,且有突然性,有的地方重复受灾,公私财物损失严重;四是旧灾区还继续受灾,又增加新灾区,如滁河流域灾情为历史所未有;五是灾害都属内涝,干堤未出问题。 安徽40多年治水,成绩显著,许多工程在历年抗洪中都发挥了作用;同时也逐渐加深着我们对自然规律的认识,并采取了相应的避灾、增产措施,如“三改”即是有效措施之一。今年水灾又向我们提出了不少新问题,须要根据今年水灾新特点,对治淮以及整个江淮地区治水工作进行再认识,并采取相应 Floods in Anhui this year have suffered serious losses and are rare since the liberation. This year's flood is no longer a simple repetition of history, but has the same new features as the previous one. First, the floods in this year were more than half a month earlier than in previous years, with the result that most of the wheat was lost. The other was that the area covered by the disaster was large in most parts of the province. In the third and in many places, rainfall was excessive and sudden. Some places repeated Affected by heavy losses of public and private property; Fourth, the old disaster-stricken areas also continue to suffer, but also add new stricken areas, such as the Chu River Basin Disaster as unheard of; fifth disaster are waterlogging, dry embankment is not a problem. Over 40 years of flood control in Anhui Province, the achievements have been remarkable. Many projects have played a role in flood fighting over the years. At the same time, we have gradually deepened our understanding of the laws of nature and adopted corresponding measures for avoiding and increasing production. For example, “three changes” are effective. One of the measures. This year, the floods have posed many new problems to us. According to this year's new flood features, we need to re-understand the work of water control in the Huaihe River and the entire region of the Yangtze River and Huaihe River and take corresponding measures
一、当前的就业形势    随着我国经济连续5年以超过10%的速度增长,就业形势不断好转。2007年城镇新增就业人数创实施积极就业政策以来最好水平,达到1204万人,完成全年目标任务的134%。下岗失业人员再就业人数为近年来最高。2007年下岗失业人员再就业515万人,完成全年目标任务的103%。城镇登记失业率继续稳中有降。2007年底城镇登记失业率为4.0%,比2006年底下降0.1个百分点。  
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