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【阅读关键】在刘亮程笔下,宇宙万物仿佛都具有生命甚至富于灵性,就像那些广袤的原野里生长着的畜禽、庄稼、树木,以至静默着的庭院、桥梁、山水都是作者生命中的伙伴,甚至是姐妹兄弟。这固然是因为作者生长于乡村,是农民的后代,熟悉那里的一山一水,一草一木,更因为他那颗拳拳的热爱乡村、热爱生活的赤子之心。在刘亮程的散文中,比拟和象征的手法被广泛运用,富含丰厚意蕴的描写此起彼伏,一篇短短的千字文,常常需要我们再三咀嚼品味方能把握其内涵和意蕴。言近而旨远,在形象的描写中寄寓着作者对生活的独特感受和深刻体悟,这是刘亮程散文的一大特色,也是我们阅读时需要仔细加以咀嚼和品味的地方。 [Key to reading] Under Liu Liangcheng’s writing, all things in the universe seem to have life and even spirituality, just as the animals, crops, trees and even the quiet courtyards, bridges and landscapes that are growing in vast fields are the lives of the authors Partners, even siblings. This is of course because the author grew up in the country, is a farmer’s descendants, familiar with the mountains and rivers, there is no shortage of ideas, but also because of his fist-laden love of the country, love the life of innocence. Among the essays in Liu Liangcheng, the methods of comparison and symbolism are widely used. The descriptions of rich and powerful meanings come one after another. A short piece of Chinese essay often requires us to chew the taste repeatedly to grasp its connotation and implication. In the description of the image, it embodies the author’s unique feelings and profound understanding of life. This is a major feature of Liu Liangcheng’s prose and also a place where we must carefully chew and taste when reading.
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1998年3月31日,中国煤炭人迎来了一个值得自豪并具历史纪念意义的日子。 这一天,被中国经济界人士称为煤海舰队的兖州煤业股份有限公司,在中国企业改革的大潮中,迎着东南亚
1.防旱 棉花吐絮期耗水虽只占全生育期20%左右,但一定要保证供应,以维持正常生理活动,方可增加绒长和衣分,提高棉花产量.遇到秋旱,土壤水分低于田间持水量的65%以下时即应浇
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目的: 探讨鞘内注射糖皮质激素对神经病理性疼痛大鼠行为学及其脊髓水平Akt mRNA表达的影响   方法: 132只SPF级雄性Sprague-Dawley大鼠随机分为慢性背根神经节压迫(CCD)组(n