
来源 :青年文学家 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:billhe123
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自建党以来,我党一直很注重对党员干部的廉政教育,廉政教育的重要意义自不待言。但是,我们也清醒的认识到无论我们怎样的努力去防止和打击腐败,腐败问题从来就没有断绝过。随着市场经济建设的深入,国家经济的迅猛发展,法制的不断完善,腐败问题反而有更加严重的趋势。众所周知,权力导致腐败,绝对的权力导致绝对的腐败。因为人的私欲是无极限的,所以人一旦握有权力而没有有效地制约则一定会导致腐败。因此,腐败是公共权力和个人私欲相结合的产物. Since the founding of the party, our party has always paid great attention to the education of honest and clean government of party members and cadres. It goes without saying that the significance of the education for honest and clean government. However, we are also clearly aware that no matter what our efforts are made to prevent and combat corruption, the issue of corruption has never been cut off. With the deepening of the market economy, the rapid development of the national economy and the continuous improvement of the legal system, the issue of corruption has even more serious trends. As we all know, power leads to corruption, and absolute power leads to absolute corruption. Because human desires are limitless, once people have the power and do not effectively restrict it, they will certainly lead to corruption. Therefore, corruption is a product of the combination of public power and personal desires.
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很多年后我才明白为什么当初那么痴迷漫画,那是来自平行世界的问候,我没法忽略。  那是漫画稀缺的年代,以至于街边有书店靠出租漫画为生。那时候的漫画总是五本一卷,向书店借一天的租金是一元,当天借当天还就只收五角钱。那时候就和朋友相约一同借漫画,每人借一卷,飞速地阅读完毕后互相交换,在店铺关门之前还回去。这样一元就看了两卷甚至多卷漫画,实在是让人满足。那时候的漫画种类很少,从《圣斗士星矢》开始,到《七龙
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小葵对小伙伴说:“我爸爸很凶,会打人,我妈妈则从不打我。”小伙伴一脸羡慕地说:“那你妈妈一定很疼你吧。”小葵很忧伤地回答:“也不见得啦,只要我不听话,妈妈就 Little Kw
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