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无产阶级的革命导师们在长期的革命和建设实践中,不断地总结国际共产主义运动的丰富经验并进行高度的理论升华,写下了大量的科学社会主义著作。要准确、完整地把握这些经典著作阐明的科学社会主义的基本原理,不深入学习马列原著,单纯根据第二手材料进行学习研究,有很大的不足。因为,通过学习原著,不仅可以切实理解和掌握科学社会主义原理的实质,直接学习到革命导师们认识和解决问题的立场,观点、方法和革命战斗精神,还可以认识到列宁,毛泽东等无产阶级革命家是怎样把马克思主义普遍原理与本国革命与建设的实际结合起来,创造性地运用和发展科学社会主义的。所以,为了教好,学好科学社会主义,必须扎扎实实地学习原著。学习原著必须理论联系实际,着力解决学生思想中的理论困感。不用学到的科学社会主义基本原理去认识和解决实际问题,学到的东西也必然是空 During the long-term revolution and construction practice, the revolutionary leaders of the proletariat continuously summed up the rich experience of the international communist movement and carried out highly theoretical sublimation, and wrote a great deal of scientific socialism. To accurately and completely grasp the basic principles of scientific socialism as elaborated in these classics, there is a great shortage of studying in-depth study of the original books of Marx and Lenin and studying and studying solely on the basis of second-hand materials. Because, by studying the original book, not only can we comprehend and grasp the essence of the scientific socialist principle, we can directly learn the positions, opinions, methods and revolutionary fighting spirit that the revolutionary instructors recognize and solve the problem. We can also recognize that the proletariat such as Lenin and Mao Zedong How revolutionary people combined the general principles of Marxism with the reality of their own revolution and construction to creatively use and developed scientific socialism. Therefore, in order to teach well and learn scientific socialism, we must study solidly. Learning the original must be based on theory with practice, efforts to solve the theoretical difficulties in student thinking. Do not know the basic principles of scientific socialism to understand and solve practical problems, what we learn must also be empty
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<正> “易学”(IOLOGY)这个词本身就是一个充满了问题意味的用语.我们可以仿效海德格尔对哲学所作的追问那样,提出“易学是什么?”人们今日称之为易学的东西,实质上是一个在历史上形成的、经历了复杂的文化演变过程的学术和思想的综合系统,这一系统蕴涵了种种基础不同、来源不一、性质各异,而在一个漫长的时间历程中逐渐融汇为一体的各式各样的学术思想材料.要将如此复杂的历史现象和如此丰富而又性质各异的材料纳入一个问题框架中进行分析,从而作出确切的归纳,似乎并非轻而易举.因为,我们所要追问的这个东西,就
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