
来源 :机械工人(热加工) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwj_10061
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纵观“十五”期间,我国船舶行业抓住了国际造船市场发展的大好机遇,保持了强劲的增长势头,取得了辉煌成就。“十一五”期间,面对快速发展的中国船舶制造业,从南、北两大造船集团到沿江、沿海的省份都在筹建新的造船基地,船舶工业正步入了新一轮的高速增长期。同时,我们也欣喜地看到:中国船舶制造业焊接技术的迅速提升,已成为推动我国造船总量快速增长的助推器,中国的船舶工业将朝更快、更优、更强的发展方向开始新的启航。《机械工人》作为热加工行业的品牌媒体,始终关注着中国船舶工业的未来,关注着船舶焊接技术的最新发展趋势。为此,特在本期推出“聚焦长兴岛,关注船舶焊接技术”策划专辑。该专辑旨在为焊接行业、长兴造船基地中标企业与各大船厂之间创建一个良好的交流沟通平台,使广大读者透过专辑中的七大版块,从不同层面、多角度了解筹建中的长兴造船基地中标企业情况和船舶焊接技术的最新发展动态。最后,衷心期望您在本策划期中有所获益! Throughout the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, China’s shipping industry has seized the great opportunity of the international shipbuilding market development, maintained its strong growth momentum and achieved brilliant achievements. During the “11th Five-Year Plan” period, facing the rapid development of China’s shipbuilding industry, new shipbuilding bases are being built from the two major shipbuilding groups in the south and north to the coastal and coastal provinces. The shipbuilding industry is entering a new round of high-speed Growth period. At the same time, we are also delighted to see that the rapid improvement of welding technology in China’s shipbuilding industry has become a booster that will boost the rapid growth of China’s total shipbuilding industry. China’s shipbuilding industry will move toward a faster, better and stronger development direction Start a new sail. As the brand media of thermal processing industry, “mechanic worker” always pays attention to the future of China’s shipbuilding industry and pays attention to the latest development trend of ship welding technology. To this end, special launch in this issue “focus on Changxing Island, concerned about the ship welding technology” planning album. The album aims to create a good communication and communication platform for the welding industry, the winning bidder of Changxing Shipbuilding Base and the major shipyards, so that readers can understand the construction of Changxing from different aspects and perspectives through the seven sections in the album The Latest Development Situation of Successful Business of Shipbuilding Base and Ship Welding Technology. Finally, sincerely hope you benefit from this planning period!
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