强化农机安全教育 认真执法办事——优秀农机安全监理员宋庆文

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宋庆文同志是1991年分配到新湖农场工作并担任兼职农机监理员的,于1994年担任新湖农场专职农机监理员.他深深懂得这项工作的重要性并全身心地热爱这项工作.在工作中他严格要求自己,认真执法,不徇私情,工作态度耐心细致,深受农场广大机手的拥护和支持.新湖农场是一个大型国营农场,有8个农业分场,拥有各类拖拉机,联合收割机594台,农机驾驶员763人.这样一个大农场,这么多机车,这么多驾驶员而农机监理员却只有11人,其中专职的只有宋庆文同志一人,可想而知工作的繁忙和辛苦.1994年是全疆首次换发拖拉机全国统一号牌和行驶证,为搞好这项工作,宋庆文同志首先积极组织宣传,同各分场领导协商,克服农机工人分布点多、面广的困难,加班加点,放弃节假日、星期天,亲自到各分场同该单位监理员落实安排,想办法在不影响春耕生产的前题下统一组织,同时结合1994年年检年审工作,使换牌换证工作得以顺利进行.1994年新湖农场共参加检验、换证、换牌各类机车520台,占总保有量的87.54%,检验合格率达96.5%.驾驶员参加审验653人,参市率达99.6%,审检合格率100%,较1993年有显著提高. Comrade Song Qingwen was assigned to work in Xinhu Farm in 1991 and served as a part-time supervisor of agricultural machinery and a full-time supervisor of agricultural machinery at Xinhu Farm in 1994. He deeply understands the importance of this work and wholeheartedly loves this work. In the work, he strictly demanded that he and his law enforcement be conscientious, he should be patient and meticulous in his work attitude and be supported and supported by the majority of farm workers. Xinhu Farm is a large state-owned farm with eight agricultural branches and tractors , 594 combine harvesters, and 763 agricultural drivers. Such a large farms, so many locomotives, so many drivers and only 11 agricultural supervisors, of whom only full-time Comrade Song Qingwen one can imagine the busy work In 1994, it was the first exchange of license plates and driving licenses for tractors in Xinjiang. In order to do a good job in this task, Comrade Song Qingwen first actively organized publicity and negotiated with leaders of the sub-branches to overcome the distribution points of agricultural machinery and workers Of the difficulties, work overtime, give up holidays, Sunday, in person to the sub-field with the unit supervisor to implement arrangements to find ways to unify the organization under the premise of not affecting spring production, combined with 1 In 1994, Xinhu Farm participated in the inspection, renewal and exchange of 520 locomotives of various types, accounting for 87.54% of the total, with a passing rate of 96.5 653 pilots participated in the audit, the market rate of 99.6%, the passing rate of 100% examination, compared with 1993 marked increase.
全球人均 GNP 年增长率排行榜世界银行近期报告指出,全球人均国民生产总值(GNP)年增长率在连续三年下降后,1994年约增加1%。在低收入国家中,中国和印度已发展成为全球重要的
依据模具零件的加工特性对其进行特性划分,利用参数化技术和图形库技术生成模具零件图、装配图,自动消隐,并动态生成装配明细表。 Based on the processing characteristics
百里江汉油田民兵,活跃在治安战线上。他们斗邪恶,扬正义,谱写了一曲曲“卫士”之歌。 肖德宏,这位刚走上武装工作岗位还不到1年的专武干部,便在维护社会治安中荣立了新功。