
来源 :抚顺石油学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wmrik
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介绍了减粘裂化工艺发展的一般过程。最早的减粘裂化工艺为下流式反应塔减粘裂化 ,60年代上流式反应塔减粘裂化的开发推动了减粘裂化工艺的发展。临氢减粘及供氢减粘裂化工艺有效地抑制了生焦反应 ,提高了反应的苛刻度及裂化深度 ,使减粘裂化工艺成了重油改质的重要手段之一。我国减粘裂化工艺虽然起步较晚 ,但在吸收国外先进经验的基础上也得到了迅速的发展 ,我国目前有高桥、广州等十余套减粘裂化装置。延迟减粘裂化以及上流式缓和减粘裂化等工艺的开发都标志着我国减粘裂化工艺技术的进步 ,但我国减粘裂化装置属于常规减粘裂化工艺类型 ,装置的轻油收率低、结焦严重等问题比较突出。还探讨了我国减粘裂化工艺发展的趋势。我国氢源相对匮乏 ,因此发展临氢减粘裂化工艺关键是寻找廉价的氢源。供氢减粘避免了氢气来源的问题 ,但开发出效果好、来源广泛的工业供氢剂成了急待解决的问题。 The general process of visbreaking process is introduced. The first visbreaking process was the visbreaking of the downflow reaction column, and the visbreaking of the upflow reaction column in the 1960s promoted the development of the visbreaking process. Hydro-visbreaking and hydrogen-feeding visbreaking technology effectively restrain the coke reaction and increase the severity of the reaction and the cracking depth, making the visbreaking process an important means of reforming heavy oil. Although the visbreaking process in our country started relatively late, it has also been rapidly developed on the basis of absorbing advanced foreign experience. At present, there are more than 10 sets of visbreaking units in China such as Takahashi and Guangzhou. Delayed visbreaking and up-flow mitigation of visbreaking and other processes are marked by the progress of our visbreaking technology, but our visbreaking device belongs to the conventional visbreaking technology, the device of light oil yield is low, coking Serious problems such as more prominent. Also discussed the development trend of visbreaking process in our country. The relative lack of hydrogen source in our country, so the development of visbreaking hydroperoxide technology is the key to find a cheap source of hydrogen. Hydrogen viscosity reduction avoids the problem of hydrogen sources, but the development of effective, widely available industrial hydrogen suppliers has become an urgent issue to be solved.
办公自动化(Office Automation,简称OA)是将现代化办公和计算机网络功能结合起来的一种新型的办公方式。它以计算机与通信技术为手段,建成一个覆盖所有部门的自动化信息系统,
我们谈论德治 ,应当注意它的主体、对象、内容、方式以及限度等方面的意涵。在民主社会 ,“德治”首先意味着对于行使公共权力的政府官员的道德教育 ,其次意味着政府经公民授