
来源 :人民戏剧 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youi
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我们需要开展积极的戏剧批评,这是不言而喻的。可以说,没有健康的戏剧批评就很难有社会主义戏剧的繁荣。今天,全国人民正在认真学习党的六中全会通过的《关于建国以来党的若干历史问题的决议》,这一决议自始至终贯穿着高度的严格的批评自我批评的精神,它运用马列主义、毛泽东思想的立场、观点、方法,对建国以来的一些重大历史问题做了实事求是、恰如其分的分析和总结,因而不仅受到全国人民热烈的拥护,也受到国际舆论广泛的好评。这种严肃的批评与自我批评,是任何资产阶级政党不能想象的,它说明我们党的伟大坚强,表现了我们党葆有永不衰败的青春活力。《决议》是我们进行批评与自我批评的典范,为我们提供了有力的思想武器,指出了正确的批评方向和方法。因而,戏剧界同全国人民一起,在学习《决议》的基础上,进一步开展 It is self-evident that we need to carry out positive drama criticism. It can be said that it is very hard to have the prosperity of socialist drama without healthy dramatic criticism. Today, the people throughout the country are earnestly studying the “Resolution on Certain Historical Issues of the Party since the Founding of the People’s Republic of China” passed at the 6th Plenary Session of the Party Central Committee. This resolution runs through a highly rigorous criticism and self-criticism from beginning to end. It uses Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought Has taken a pragmatic and appropriate analysis and summary of some major historical issues since the founding of the People’s Republic of China so that it has not only received the enthusiastic support of the people throughout the country but also received wide acclaim from the international public opinion. This serious criticism and self-criticism can not be imagined by any bourgeois political party. It shows that the great strength of our party shows the youthful vitality of our party that it will never decline. The “Resolution” is a model for our criticism and self-criticism, provides us with a powerful ideological weapon and points out the correct direction and method of criticism. Therefore, the theater industry, together with the people throughout the country, further developed on the basis of studying the “Resolutions”
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