MR diffusion-weighted imaging of rabbit liver VX-2 tumor

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skywalker0123
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AIM: To investigate the implanting method of rabbit liver VX-2 tumor and its MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) characteristics. METHODS: Thirty-five New Zealand rabbits were included in the study. VX-2 tumor was implanted subcutaneously in 14 rabbits and intrahepatically in 6 for pre-experiments. VX-2 tumor was implanted intrahepatically in 12 rabbits for experiment and three were used as the control group. DWI, T1- and T2-weighted of MRI were performed periodically in 15 rabbits for experiment before and after implantation. The distinction of VX-2 tumors on DWI was assessed by their apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. The statistical significance was calculated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the randomized block design using SPSS10.0 software. RESULTS: The successful rate of subcutaneous implantation of VX-2 tumor was 29% (4/14) while that of intrahepatic implantation of it was 33% (2/6) in the preexperiment. The successful rate of intrahepatic implantation of VX-2 tumor in the experiment was 83% (10/12) and 15 tumors grew in 10 successfully implanted rabbits. The DWI signal of VX-2 tumor was high and became lower when the b value increased step by step. The signal of VX-2 tumor on the map of ADC was low. When the b value was 100 or 300 s/mm2, the ADC value of normal group and VX-2 tumor group was respectively 2.57±0.26, 1.73±0.31, 1.87±0.25 and 1.57±0.23 mm2/s. Their distinction was significant (F= 43.26, P<0.01), the tumor ADC value between b values 100 and 300 s/mm2 was significant (Tukey HSP,P<0.05) and the ADC value between VX-2 tumor and normal liver was also significant (Tukey HSP, P<0.01). VX-2 tumor developed quickly and metastasized early to all body, especially to the lung, liver, lymph nodes of mediastinum, etc. CONCLUSION: The DWI signal of rabbit VX-2 tumor has its characteristics on MR DWI and DWI plays an important role in diagnosing and discovering VX-2 tumor. AIM: To investigate the implanting method of rabbit liver VX-2 tumor and its MR diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) characteristics. METHODS: Thirty-five New Zealand rabbits were included in the study. VX-2 tumor was implanted subcutaneously in 14 rabbits DWI, T1- and T2-weighted of MRI were performed periodically in 15 rabbits for experiment before and after implantation. The distinction of VX-2 tumors on DWI was assessed by their apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values. The statistical significance was calculated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) of the randomized block design using SPSS 10.0 software. successful rate of subcutaneous implantation of VX-2 tumor was 29% (4/14) while that of intrahepatic implantation of it was 33% (2/6) in the preexperiment. The successful rate of intrahepatic implantation of VX-2 tumo r in the experiment was 83% (10/12) and 15 tumors grew in 10 successfully implanted rabbits. The DWI signal of VX-2 tumor was high and became lower when the b value increased step by step. The signal of VX-2 When the b value was 100 or 300 s / mm2, the ADC value of normal group and VX-2 tumor group were respectively 2.57 ± 0.26, 1.73 ± 0.31, 1.87 ± 0.25 and 1.57 ± 0.23 mm2 / s. They were significantly (F = 43.26, P <0.01) VX-2 tumor developed rapidly and metastasized early to all body, especially to the lung, liver, lymph nodes of mediastinum, etc. CONCLUSION: The DWI signal of rabbit VX -2 tumor has its characteristics on MR DWI and DWI plays an important role in diagnosing and discovering VX-2 tumor.
与往年相比,今年福建省科技招商有如下特色: 一是,突出了科技显示度。此次9.8洽谈会,山于国家科委首次加盟主办,设立的“中国科技馆”十分引人注目,福建省科委作为“中国科
国足环球热身的硝烟刚散,里皮与中国足协又一次打起了口水仗,这次,意大利人把矛头指向了裁判。恒大与青岛一战,一支忙着争冠,另一支苦苦保级,足协为了保险起见,特意请来了越南籍裁判。  不料,青岛竟然爆冷战胜了领头羊,恒大两名球员吃到红牌,里皮这下不干了。意大利人质疑足协“总是请低水平足球国家的裁判执法”。足协裁委会也毫不示弱,坚持裁判水平和他所在国家或地区无关。  里皮的言论多少是缘于输球之后的发泄,
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这本是一次再普通不过的医疗暂停,但却因为它发生在如此特殊的时间节点而备受争议。而在那之后,阿扎伦卡的辩解、舆论的讨伐、球迷的责问都将它变为了一场关于职业道德的大讨论。但实际上这些人之中并没有谁能够去评判她的对与错,他们之所以各抒己见,不过是想知道事情的真相罢了。  球员和教练说  “我认为这非常不公平,因为她运用了规则里的灰色地带作弊,这是非常不光明的行径。无论你是用什么原因,都不可能在对手发球前