Partnering with friends to invest in real estate was fooled by $ 10 million. Robbers stole a $ 55,000 Rolex and drove drunk in Florida and were brought to court by their neighbors in Chicago. Former NBA star Anthony Walker was always in trouble. July 2009, Walker’s biggest trouble in life came. Due to his obsession with gambling, Walker owed huge gambling debts in Las Vegas and signed 10 invalid checks worth more than $ 1 million. The federal court decided to sue him. The former Walker broker also sued $ 600,000 through his lawsuit. In order to pay his debts, Walker has sold his 3.1 million and 4.1 million homes in the Chicago business district and Miami, respectively, but still can not fill the dug he dug for himself. In addition, he also pays two women a monthly maintenance fee of $ 7,000. Who can imagine that today’s Walker signed a four and a half month non-guaranteed contract for his livelihood with Puerto Rico’s club, a former NBA star who earned over $ 110 million in his 13-year career.