
来源 :世界机电经贸信息 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:quguangming
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拉丁美洲幅员辽阔,地大物博,共有33个国家和13个未独立地区,面积2054万平方公里,人口约5亿。拉美是发展中国家比较发达的地区,总体经济发展水平较高,1998年国内生产总值约2万亿美元,同时拉美也是当前世界上经济比较活跃的新兴市场之一。特别是通过近十年来的一系列改革调整,拉美经济走上持续发展的良性轨道,一直保持较高的增长速度。 对外贸易在拉美国家中占有至关重要的地位,各国对此十分重视。进入90年代以来,拉美对外贸易发展迅速,外贸总额从1990年的2147亿美元增至1996年的7050亿美元,其中进口额从946亿美元增加到3777亿美元。由于多数拉美国家的机械制造业比较薄弱,工业部门不很齐全,因此在大部分拉美国家进口商品结构中,机电产品占据非常重要的份额,每年进口金额超过500亿美元。根据各国的不同需求,进口产品所括工具、轴承、仪表、机床以及各种家用电器和各类大型机械设备等,可以说,拉美是目前世界上最大的机电产品进口市场之一。 With a vast territory and vast territory, Latin America has a total of 33 countries and 13 non-independent areas covering an area of ​​20.54 million square kilometers and a population of about 500 million. Latin America is a relatively developed region of developing countries with a relatively high level of overall economic development. Its gross domestic product stood at about 2 trillion U.S. dollars in 1998, and Latin America is also one of the most prosperous emerging markets in the world today. In particular, through a series of reforms and adjustments in the past decade, the Latin American economy has been on a sound track of sustained development and has maintained a relatively high rate of growth. Foreign trade occupies a crucial position in Latin American countries, and all countries attach great importance to this. Since the 1990s, the foreign trade of Latin America has been developing rapidly with total foreign trade increasing from 214.7 billion U.S. dollars in 1990 to 705 billion U.S. dollars in 1996, of which imports increased from 94.6 billion U.S. dollars to 377.7 billion U.S. dollars. As most of the Latin American countries have relatively weak machinery manufacturing industries and incomplete industrial sectors, electromechanical products account for a very important share of the imports of most Latin American countries with an annual import value of more than 50 billion U.S. dollars. According to the different needs of various countries, the imported products include tools, bearings, meters, machine tools, various household appliances and all kinds of large-scale machinery and equipment. It can be said that Latin America is currently the world’s largest importer of electromechanical products.
文章叙述了井筒防爆磁性开关的主要参数的分析和选择,磁钢的设计以及安装试验的结果. The paper describes the analysis and selection of the main parameters of the wel
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We propose and demonstrate a scheme to smooth and shape the on-target patterns in multimode fiber lasers,which includes expanding–collimating system and lens a
应用 BEMMP 边界元法程序,对符山铁矿南帮岩体三个有代表性的剖面进行多分段回采模拟计算,据以预测南帮岩体随下部回采产生滑移的可能性. By using the BEMMP boundary elem