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商办字第十六号一九五三年十一月二日指示:各市府、各专署、各级公司商店小组十月份全省推销计划迄至二十五日只完成百分之五二·八四,主要商品计划均完成很差。根据各地区、各公司和本厅检查组报告,都明显的证实了由于不少商业干部中存在着不同程度的名牌货思想,严重的障碍了封农村需要的调查研究,大量的工业品不能顺畅地销到农村,极大地影响了推销计划的完成。名牌货思想主要表现在:(1)某些推销人员盲目地喊上海货脱销,而不愿推销本省产品,及所谓「滞销」商品。如百货公司的胜利袜子、劳动毛巾,明星香皂、本省旧产纸(其中虽然有些纸是本省不能全部销出的)、大连玻璃等,花纱布公司的友好青、友好蓝、国防青、霸王花哔叽,专卖公司的顺风烟、禹门烟等。(2)某些商店由于「名牌」思想作怪,供不应求的商品经常脱销,大宗积压的商品却不摆出来与群众见面,使积压者长期积压。如阳泉市百货商店经营商品一、○二一种,批发部只摆出五六一种,侯马商店经营毛巾八种,只摆出一种,太原商店针织批发部玻璃柜台里摆的都是上海袜子,把本省产的胜利袜子却堆放在柜台的最下边(最近有所纠正),大楼」彩条毛巾供应站库存很 Merchants’ operation on the 16th November 2, 1953 Direction: The municipalities, all agencies, and the company store teams at all levels in the province’s marketing plan in October will only accomplish 52% by the 25th August 4, the main product plans are completed very poor. According to reports by inspection teams of various regions, companies and the Office, it is clear that due to the fact that many business leaders have varying degrees of brand-name goods thinking, serious obstacles have impeded the investigation and study of the needs of rural areas and that a large number of industrial products can not be smoothed out Sold to the countryside, has greatly affected the completion of marketing plans. The idea of ​​brand-name goods mainly lies in: (1) Some salespersons shout blindly on the sale of goods in Shanghai instead of selling the products of the province and the so-called “unsalable” commodities. Such as department store victory socks, working towels, star soap, the province’s old paper production (although some of the paper is not all of the province can be sold out), Dalian glass, flower gauze company friendly green, friendly blue, national defense blue, Serge, monopoly company downwind, Yu door smoke and so on. (2) Due to the “brand name” thinking in some shops, the supply of goods in short supply is often out of stock. The large backlog of goods is not put on display with the public so that backlogs are backlogged in the long run. Such as Yangquan City Department Store operating a product ○ ○ a, the wholesale department put out only 56 kinds, Houma stores operating eight kinds of towels, only put a kind of Taiyuan shop knitting wholesale department are placed in the glass counter Shanghai socks, the provincial victory socks stacked at the bottom of the counter (recently corrected), the building "color bar towel supply station stock is very
回顾2020rn电竞明星选手因糖尿病提前退役rn2020年6月3日,中国著名电竞选手uzi (简自豪),在个人社交媒体宣布退役.年仅23岁的他在个人微博上详细叙述了自己选择退役的原因—