
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Tiny_Drunk
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劳动模范代表大会代表同志们今天是我们山西全省农业爱国丰产劳动模范代表大会开幕的日子。我们大会的召开,正在全国工农业生产的恢复阶段已告结束,而全国大规模经济建设、文化建设即将开始的時候,是有很重大的历史意义和政治意义的。让我在这里首先向从各个地方远道而来的诸位代表致以热烈的欢迎!我们山西今年在毛主席「增产节约、支援前线」的号召之下,主要在生产上展开了三条战线的斗争;一、是工业生产战线;二、是农业生产战线;三、是贸易合作生产战线。这三条战线的斗争,都是以辉煌的胜利结束的,农业生产战线上斗争的胜利更为显著。大家都知道:今年(一九五二年)秋田播种面积较去年增加三百一十二万亩,总产量较去年增加了百分之三十。夏、秋合计共产原粮六十六亿斤,较去年增产六亿斤,工艺作物共播种五百九十四万亩,以棉产为最有成绩,其他油料、烟、麻等作物播种面积及每亩产额均超过战前。同时,在农业、林业、牧畜、水利全面发展的方针下,我省今年林、牧、水利等方面,均有相当收获与成绩。 Comrades, representatives of labor model congresses Today is the opening day of the representative conference of our country’s agricultural patriotic and productive model workers in Shanxi Province. The convening of our assembly is now under way and the recovery phase of industrial and agricultural production in the country has come to an end. At a time when the country’s large-scale economic construction and cultural construction are about to begin, they are of great historical and political significance. Let me here first of all extend a warm welcome to all the delegates from all over the place. Under the call of Chairman Mao “to increase production and save power and support the frontline” this year, we have mainly started the struggle on three fronts in production. First, the industrial production front; Second, the agricultural production front; Third, the trade cooperation and production front. The struggles on these three fronts ended in a brilliant victories, and the victories in the struggle on the agricultural production front were even more marked. As we all know: The area planted in Akita this year (1952) increased by 3.12 million mu compared with last year and the total output has increased by 30% over last year. In summer and autumn, the total output of raw grain totaled 6.6 billion kilograms, an increase of 600 million kilograms compared with last year. The total number of sown crops was 5.94 million mu, the most outstanding being cotton production. The sown area of ​​other fuel, tobacco, Per acre yields are more than before the war. At the same time, under the guideline of comprehensive development of agriculture, forestry, livestock breeding and water conservancy, our province has achieved remarkable achievements in forest, animal husbandry and water conservancy this year.
果园秋播绿肥──草木栖和苕子播种法 Orchard autumn green manure - grass habitat and prickly ash seeding
一、植物的描述(一)营养器官珍珠粟(Pennisetum typhoides Burm.)为一年生禾本科植物,株高1.50~2.50米。直生主根很快长出次生根和三生根。种子萌发后三、四周,就从根颈长出