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一、与档案学共命运的40年 中国人民大学档案学院建院已经40周年了。40年来,经过几代人的不断努力,档案学院建立、形成了比较完整、严密并具有自己特点的档案学学科体系,为我国档案学及档案教育、档案事业的发展作出了应有的贡献。 在中国人民大学档案学院40年的历史中,档案文献编纂学是与之始终共命运的课程之一。早在1952年中国人民大学创办新中国档案教育伊始,就考虑到在档案教育中应该有与档案公布利用相关的课程。1953年在档案专修科开设的课程中,已有由苏联历史档案专家姆·斯·谢列兹聂夫讲授的“苏联文献公布学”,成为当时能开设的不多的档案专业课中的一门。1954年档案专修科便开始着手建立文献公布学的中国教师队伍、建设中国化的教材。1955年历史档案系建立,文献公布学及历史辅助科目教研室是当时设立的四个档案专业教研室之一,李毅、赵践等同志成为我国最早从事文献公布学的教员与学科研究带头人。从50年代到“文化大革命”的十多年间,历史档案系的教员在将苏联文献公布学中国化,即在借鉴苏联经验的基础上开拓性地创建具 First, with the fate of archives 40 years of Renmin University of China College of Archives has been the 40th anniversary of the founding. Over the past 40 years, after several generations’ continuous efforts, the Institute of Archives has been established, forming a complete archival discipline system with its own characteristics. It has made its due contribution to the development of archival education, archival education and archives in our country. In the 40-year history of Archives College of Renmin University of China, archival literature compilation is one of the courses with which it has always been destiny. As early as 1952, when Renmin University of China founded the new archives education in China, it was considered that there should be a curriculum related to the publication and use of archives in archival education. In 1953, in the courses offered by the Department of Archives, there was already a book entitled “Soviet Literature Publication Studies”, which was taught by the historical archival expert Samuel Seleznev of the Soviet Union, and became one of the few archival specialized courses that could be opened at that time . In 1954, the Archives Specialist Branch began to set up a Chinese teacher team for publication of literature and to build a teaching material with Chinese characteristics. In 1955, the Department of History Archives, the Department of Literature Publication Studies and History Assistants was one of the four archives departments established at that time. Comrades like Li Yi and Zhao Jiu became the earliest faculty and academic research leaders engaged in publication studies in our country. From the 1950s to the “Cultural Revolution” for more than 10 years, the teachers of the Department of History and Archives have made the Chinese literature in the Soviet Union, that is, based on the experience of the Soviet Union, pioneering the creation of
2009年3月5日至6日.公安部科技成果推广应用暨犬病诊疗高级技术研讨会在厦门召开。此次会议是经公安部科技信息化局、公安部五局批准召开的。来自全国5 March 5, 2009 to 6.
3月20日上午,全国公安系统一级英模、四川成都大邑县公安局交警大队西岭执勤组组长谭东同志先进事迹报告会在人民大会堂举行。“和谭哥一起相处的点点滴滴到现在 On the mor