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【正】 人们在工作、学习和日常生活中要大量接触语言现象。接触了语言现象,就会引起对所接触语言的感觉和反应。比如,听到发错的语音和说出的错话、脏话、粗话,看到写错的字,用错的词,不通的句子,有毛病的篇章,干巴无味的语言等
【正】 阅读我国现当代小说,你会看到一种极其普遍的描写范式:景物(环境)描绘——推出人物(主人公)——肖似摹写——表明身份——人物行为方式的摹拟即故事情节有序地展开。
Time interval of short delay ignition is an important factor to affect the efficiency of blasting cuts. The motion process of rock pieces in the cut cavity is a
A lubrication model was developed for explaining how to form an oil film in the deformation zone, predicting the film thickness and determining the characterist
【正】 在阶级斗争已经不是我国社会的主要矛盾,而人民日益增长的物质和文化需要同落后的社会生产之间的矛盾成为主要矛盾的历史情况下,按照什么要求来建设我们的党呢?这是执
To avoid the complexity of building mechanistic models by studying the inner nature of the object, a systematic method based on statistical pattern recognition
A combustion synthesis method was adapted for the efficient preparation of pure zinc ferrite particles (ZnFe204). It is based on the exothermic reaction of the