布尔乔亚们大声说:C'est la vie!

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细雨绵绵的下午,或许是个秋天,风声愈紧。屋子里生长着植物,碧绿舒展。沙发柔软,身边是听了100次的旧唱片,有一些是弗朗索瓦姨妈送的,现在她中风了,住在乡下的房子里,十七岁的暑假曾经去过一次,记得门口种着一丛野蔷薇。壁炉用的木柴很充足,旧书堆在任何一个伸手可及的地方。咖啡或者茶,唔,这是好闻的,松饼的味道哟。有很多件好牌子的衣裳,穿了几年,还很喜欢。领带和袖扣也是旧的,在衣柜抽屉的第二层。电话答录机上有伊莎贝尔的留言,晚上或许有一个很不错的聚餐,当然是小规模的,据说那家餐馆的波尔多产的酒好极了,但是她还会邀请那个夏尔吗?令人生厌的家伙,口音很怪,常常对我的伊莎贝尔谄媚,当然,伊莎贝尔没有什么特别好,其实真的没有什么。戒烟了,从上个星期开始。啊,顺便说一句,身上穿的,是可体昂贵的旧羊毛衫,温柔极了……“如此宁静,如此平和。”等等,想象一下,这就是生活,C’estla vie。 Rainy afternoon, perhaps an autumn, the wind tighter. Plants grow in the house, green stretch. Sofa soft, around the old record was 100 times, some are sent by Aunt Francois, and now she stroke, and lived in the country house, the 17-year-old summer had been to once remember the door with A bunch of briar. The fireplace is full of firewood, old book stack in any reach. Coffee or tea, um, this is good news, muffin taste yo. There are many good brand clothes, wear a few years, still like. The tie and cufflinks are also old, on the second floor of the wardrobe drawer. The answering machine on the phone has Isabel’s message, night may have a very good dinner, of course, is a small scale, it is said that the restaurant’s Bordeaux wine is very good, but she would invite that Charles? The guy, the accent is weird, often flattering on Isabel, and of course, Isabel is nothing particularly good, in fact, really nothing. Quit smoking, starting last week. Ah, by the way, the body wears is an expensive old sweater, gentle ... “” So quiet, so peaceful. "Wait, imagine that this is life, C’estla vie.
Ingredients: two pieces of white fungus, a handful of Chinese wolfberry fruit, dates, dried longan, lotus seeds and peanuts. Directions: 1. Soak the dried fung
在大雪飞落的冬季,烤火成为一个甜美的词。 人们出去、进来,仿佛是为了接近烤火而做一些准备。 烤火的姿势最美。伸出手,把手心与动荡的红焰相对。你 发现手像一个孩子,静静
一、以物代墙法 小面积居室尽量少用砖隔墙,可用组合柜、屏风、挂帘等作为隔墙。 二、巧用空间法 空间比较高的居室,可以在屋顶四周制一排吊柜,并与顶饰巧妙组合,既省空间又
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材料: 花生米100克乌懦200克水2000毫升糖100克制作方法: 花生米、乌糯米洗净,与水一起放入高压锅,煮25分钟,然后加糖食用。功效: 乌糯米又称鸡血米,是近年来世界各地兴起的