Anti-tumor effect of LTA combined with 5-FU on H22 tumor bearing mice

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huihuiwang
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Objective: To study the effect of lipoteichoic acid(LTA) and 5-FU on the expression of caspase-3, EGFR, TGF-α proteins of tumor tissue of H22 cancer bearing mice and its antitumor mechanism. Methods: A total of 40 SPF grade Kunming mice were selected to establish H22 liver cancer model, and then the mice were divided into 4 groups at random with ten mice in each group. Group A was given saline lavage treatment, Group B was treated with 5-FU by intraperitomeal injection, Group C was treated with LTA by lump body injection; Group D was treated with LTA by lump body injection and 5-FU by intraperitomeal injection. Two weeks after the treatment, the mice in each group were executed and the tumor tissue was stripping and weighted, and the tumor growth inhibition ratio was calculated. Then the tumor tissue was processed for conventional embedding, sectioned to observe the expression of caspase-3, EGFR, TGF-α by immunohistochemical staining method. Results: The tumor inhibitory rate o f Group D was significantly higher than Groups B and C(P<0.05); B, the tumor inhibitory rate o f Group B had no statistical difference compared with Group C(P>0.05). The IDO values of TGF-α, EGFR proteins in Groups B, C, D mice tumor tissue were significantly lower than that in group A(P<0.05); while IDO value of caspase-3 in Groups B, C, D group mice tumor tissue was significantly higher than that in Group A(P<0.05). The IDO value of TGF-α, EGFR in Group D mice tumor tissue were significantly lower than that in Groups B and C; While IDO value of aspase-3 in Group D was significantly higher than that in Groups B and C(P<0.05). Conclusions: LTA combined with 5-FU can effectively inhibit the tumorigenesis of H22 tumor bearing mice, increase the caspase-3 protein expression, inhibit TGF –α and EGFR protein expression, further promote tumor cell apoptosis and play a synergistic antitumor effect. Objective: To study the effect of lipoteichoic acid (LTA) and 5-FU on the expression of caspase-3, EGFR, TGF-alpha proteins of tumor tissue of H22 cancer bearing mice and its antitumor mechanism. Methods: A total of 40 SPF grade Kunming mice were selected to establish H22 liver cancer model, and then the mice were divided into 4 groups at random with ten mice in each group. Group A was given saline lavage treatment, Group B was treated with 5-FU by intraperitomeal injection, Group C was treated with LTA by lump body injection; Group D was treated with LTA by lump body injection and 5-FU by intraperitomeal injection. Two weeks after the treatment, the mice in each group were executed and the tumor tissue was stripping and weighted , and the tumor growth inhibition ratio was calculated. Then the tumor tissue was processed for conventional embedding, sectioned to observe the expression of caspase-3, EGFR, TGF-α by immunohistochemical staining method. Results: The tumor inhibitory rate of Gro B, the tumor inhibitory rate of Group B had no statistical difference compared with Group C (P> 0.05). The IDO values ​​of TGF-α, EGFR proteins in Groups B, C, D mice tumor tissue were significantly lower than that in group A (P <0.05); while IDO value of caspase-3 in Groups B, C, D group mice tumor tissue was significantly higher than that in Group A P <0.05). The IDO value of TGF-α, EGFR in Group D mice tumor tissue were significantly lower than that in Groups B and C; while IDO value of aspase-3 in Group D was significantly higher than that in Groups B and C (P <0.05). Conclusions: LTA combined with 5-FU can effectively inhibit the tumorigenesis of H22 tumor bearing mice, increase the caspase-3 protein expression, inhibit TGF-alpha and EGFR protein expression, further promote tumor cell apoptosis and play a synergistic antitumor effect.
10月16日,第十届中国西 部匈牙 利文化 节 布达佩斯之秋《FR AGMENT》(片段)伊姆雷·金斯基(Imre Kinszki)个人摄影展在重庆WFC香港维岸画廊开幕.rn开幕式上,匈牙利驻重庆代
拉斐尔·桑蒂(Raffaello Santi),1483—1520年,意大利著名画家,“文艺复兴后三杰”中最年轻的一位,其作品代表了文艺复兴时期艺术家造诣的巅峰。  2020年是中意建交50周年,也是文艺复兴巨匠拉斐尔·桑蒂逝世500年,全球各地举办各种活动致敬大师,纪念他为后世留下的艺术遗产。10月29日至11月30日,《拉斐尔的艺术·不可能的相遇》展览在重庆举行。  本次展览通过高清拍摄和仿真
目的肥大细胞在过敏性疾病的病理生理中起重要作用,通过抑制肥大细胞的活化,在改善和预防过敏性疾病有着重要的实践意义。但山茱萸抗过敏作用机制尚不清楚。因此,利用能激活肥大细胞活性的物质,来研究山茱萸抗过敏作用的效能和药理机制。本研究目的是为揭示山茱萸对肥大细胞活化、血管通透性有无抑制作用及其抑制作用的机制。方法利用大鼠腹腔肥大细胞,观察山茱萸提取物对compound 48/80诱导肥大细胞脱颗粒、组胺
一、前言 一直以来,信号源和监控中心之间的距离使分布式计算机数据采集系统存在着严重局限性,工作人员不得不在待控过程或者需采集数据的传感器附近工作。这种情形目前已有