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班主任负有对学生进行教育和生活指导的直接责任,工作开展得如何,是班级先进或落后的直接原因。怎样才能做好班主任工作呢?根据我做班主任的经验,我认为班主任工作贵在一个“实”字。对待班主任工作要忠实。要做一名好的班主任,从大的方面讲,应当充分认识班主任工作的重要意义,增强从事这项事业的光荣感和使命感,以国家、民族利益为重,不辜负党和人民对我们寄予的无限希望,以饱满的工作热情忠实地履行这一职责,加 The teacher in charge of class has the direct responsibility of educating and guiding the students. How to carry out the work is the direct reason that the class is advanced or backward. How to do class teacher work? According to my experience as a class teacher, I think your class teacher’s work in a “real” word. Treat class teacher to be faithful. To be a good class teacher, speaking from a large aspect, we should fully understand the importance of the class teacher’s work, enhance the sense of honor and mission in undertaking this undertaking, regard the interests of the country and the nation as the most important task, and live up to the party and the people With infinite hope, we should faithfully fulfill this duty with full enthusiasm for our work
I am not a big believer in lists, as theyseem to be the hackneyed territory ofgurus and spotlight;
Look at the funny pictures and read the sentences. You will find it easy to remember(记住)the words!B b bar/ba:/酒吧John is talking with his friend in a bar Lo
在实施新课程的今天,由于学生受传统教学和学习方式的影响,各种能力已不能适应新课程的要求,摆在教师面前的问题是教师在课堂上如何教,学生在课堂上怎样学。近年来,经 Due t