
来源 :催化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyuzxcv123
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A multiwall carbon nanotube modified electrode prepared by incorporating multiwall carbon nanotubes in the electrode of a sensor and naphthol green as a homogeneous mediator was used as a voltammetric sensor for the determination of N‐actylcysteine(N‐AC) in the presence of trypto-phan(Trp). The voltammograms of differential pulse voltammetry of N‐AC in a mixture with Trp were separated from each other by a potential difference of 200 mV, which allowed the determina-tion of both N‐AC and Trp simultaneously. Under the optimum conditions, the electrocatalytic cur-rents increased linearly with N‐AC concentration in the range of 0.25–400 μmol/L(two linear seg-ments with different slopes). The detection limit for N‐AC was 0.08 μmol/L. The kinetic parameters of the system were determined using electrochemical methods. The method was applied for the determination of N‐AC in drug and urine samples. A multiwall carbon nanotube modified electrode prepared by incorporating multiwall carbon nanotubes in the electrode of a sensor and naphthol green as a homogeneous mediator was used as a voltammetric sensor for the determination of N-actylcysteine ​​(N-AC) in the presence of trypto-phan (Trp). The voltammograms of differential pulse voltammetry of N-AC in a mixture with Trp were separated from each other by a potential difference of 200 mV, which allowed the determina- tion of both N-AC and Trp simultaneously. conditions, the electrocatalytic cur-rents increased linearly with N-AC concentration in the range of 0.25-400 μmol / L (two linear seg-ments with different slopes). The detection limit for N-AC was 0.08 μmol / L. The kinetic parameters of the system were determined using electrochemical methods. The method was applied for the determination of N-AC in drug and urine samples.
在社会主义市场经济体制条件下,怎样看待市场经济与党风建设的关系,这是摆在我们面前的一个重大课题,也是人人关心的一个重大课题。 1 市场经济对党风建设的积极作用 社会主
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本论文通过广泛收集新疆地区维管束植物、哺乳动物和鸟类的物种分布及植物群落调查资料,从不同尺度研究了新疆动植物的丰富度分布格局及其与气候的关系,主要结论如下:   1新