“原来电脑也可以做得这么小!”二十几年前当人们第一次看到桌上型电脑时,十几年前当人们第一次看到膝上型电脑时,几天前当我第一次看到惠普Jornada 428掌上型电脑时,都发出了这样的惊叹。区区几十年,弹指一挥间,电脑厂商们一方面使个人电脑在速度上提高了几个数量级,另一方面又将“小”与“精”发挥到了极致。真难以想象,再过几年,会不会出现速度可以媲美奔腾Ⅲ的“腕上型”甚至于“指上型”电脑!
“The original computer can do so small!” Twenty years ago when people first saw the desktop, when a few years ago when people first saw the laptop, a few days ago when The first time I saw the HP Jornada 428 Pocket PC, have made such a surprise. A few decades, a few twists and turns, computer manufacturers on the one hand to speed up the personal computer a few orders of magnitude, on the other hand again “small” and “refined” to the extreme. Really unimaginable, in a few years, will be comparable to Pentium III speed can be “wrist-type” or even “refers to the type” computer!