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恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(Maignant Fibrous Histiocytoma,简称MFH),是一种少见的软组织恶性肿瘤,发生于鼻腔及鼻窦者罕见。广西医科大学耳鼻喉科1991年1月~1998年6月共收治鼻腔鼻窦MFH患者4例,现报告如下: 1 病案摘要 例1.患者,女,40岁,因鼻咽癌放疗后9年,鼻塞、头痛、视力下降1个月入院。伴左耳鸣。检查:左中鼻道后段见淡红色新生物,同侧后鼻孔亦可窥及新生物;左眼视力指数/1M。副鼻窦CT片示:左上颌窦、眶底、颅底肿物侵犯,广泛骨质破坏。鼻腔肿物活检病理诊断为恶性纤维组织细胞瘤(多形性型)。因肿瘤范围广,手术难,自动出院。 例2.患者,女,31岁,鼻咽癌放疗后6年,右面部肿胀压痛4个月,伴鼻衄,右眼溢泪,张口受限。检查:右颧面部肿胀,右中鼻道见粉红色肿物,易出血,右后鼻孔见肿物,硬腭下陷。CT片示:右上颌窦区肿物侵犯右鼻腔、翼腭窝、筛窦。行右上颌骨全切除术,术后病理报告为MFH,术后2周出院,1个月后复发,放弃治疗。 例3.患者,女,18岁,右颧面部疼痛6月余,伴牙列疼痛,头痛,右眼视力下降。检查:右眼球突出,外展麻痹,右鼻腔粘膜肿胀,x线片示右上颌窦骨质破坏,密度增高。行右 Maignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (MFH) is a rare malignant tumor of soft tissue that occurs in the nasal and nasal sinus. Guangxi Medical University, Department of Otorhinolaryngology January 1991 ~ June 1998 were treated nasal sinuses MFH patients in 4 cases are reported as follows: 1 case summary summary 1 patients, female, 40 years old, 9 years after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Nasal congestion, headache, decreased visual acuity 1 month admission. With left tinnitus. Check: see the red after the middle of the left nasal passages new creatures, ipsilateral posterior nostril can also peek into new life; left eye visual acuity index / 1M. Paranasal sinus CT showed: left maxillary sinus, orbital floor, skull tumor invasion, extensive bone destruction. Nasal cavity biopsy pathological diagnosis of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (pleomorphic). Due to the wide range of tumors, surgery is difficult, automatic discharge. Case 2 patients, female, 31 years old, nasopharyngeal carcinoma 6 years after radiotherapy, right facial swelling tenderness for 4 months, with epistaxis, right eye overflowing tears, limited mouth opening. Check: the right zygomatic facial swelling, see the right middle of the nose to see the pink tumor, bleeding, see the right nostril, hard palate. CT film shows: right maxillary sinus tumor infiltration of right nasal cavity, pterygopalatine fossa, ethmoid sinus. Right maxillary maxillary resection, postoperative pathology reported as MFH, after 2 weeks of discharge, 1 month after the recurrence, to give up treatment. Example 3. Patient, female, 18 years old, right zygomatic facial pain more than 6 months, with dentition pain, headache, decreased right eye vision. Check: prominent right eye, abduction paralysis, swelling of the right nasal mucosa, x-ray showed right maxillary sinus bone destruction, increased density. Right line
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PCNA(增殖细胞核抗原 )作为细胞增殖力学的一个重要参数 ,在肿瘤研究中已广泛应用 ,用免疫组化法检测PCNA是一种简便、重复性好 ,效率高的评价细胞增殖动力学的方法。本文探讨了鼻内
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