
来源 :电源世界 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:skljgsdklj
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要了解通信电源的发展,首先要清楚什么是一次电源和二次电源。一次电源是指将电网市电变换成标称值为48V的直流电。传统采用可控硅相控整流技术,比起历史上曾经采用的汞弧整流器经过电阻网络来得到不同大小的直流电压来说,是一次革命。缺点是比起用电的通信主机来说,体积庞大、笨重,热损耗较大,输出纹波大,无功功率较 To understand the development of communications power, we must first understand what is a primary power and secondary power. A power supply refers to the grid mains into a nominal value of 48V DC. The traditional SCR phase-controlled rectifier technology, compared to the history of mercury arc rectifiers have been used through the resistance network to get different sizes of DC voltage is a revolution. The disadvantage is that compared to the power of communication host, bulky, bulky, heat loss, output ripple, reactive power than
植物次生代谢产物(plant food secondary metabolites,PSMs)具有抗氧化、抗癌症和心血管等疾病的功能.超声(ultrasound,US)作为非热处理技术在食品工业中得到了广泛的应用.最