A “lifeline” to families 家庭的“生命线”

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  英國剑桥公爵夫人凯特称了不起的老师是家庭的“生命线” 。
  Having first-hand experience of playing teacher during lockdown with her children Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis, the Duchess of Cambridge(剑桥公爵夫人) Kate was full of praise for educators this week, describing them as a “lifeline” for parents.
  Kate praised the fantastic work of teachers as she spoke to staff at Ribbon Academy in Murton, County Durham, via video call. The Duchess told headteacher Ashleigh Sheridan, “Having remote learning going on is hugely challenging to handle for a school. I think everyone can recognize that schools are doing an amazing job and what a vital role you do play on a day-to-day basis. You are a lifeline to so many families out there. Thank you for the hard work you do for the children.”
  Since 2002, the school has worked with the children’s mental health charity Place2Be, which provides counselling and emotional support for children and teachers. As a patron(名义赞助人), Kate heard how it has been supporting pupils and staff throughout the pandemic. Having accessed(获取) Place2Be’s support as a pupil, Chris Reay, a high-level teaching and learning partner, said of the charity’s virtual sessions for those currently learning at home: “It is amazing because for some children that is what gets them through the week.”
  Headteacher Ashleigh told the Duchess, “The charity is fundamental to what we do. Before we
  address the academic side of school life, our children need to be socially and emotionally secure. The pandemic has exposed mental health issues everywhere. Hopefully that awareness and the importance of securing mental health will be recognized across the country.”
  Hannah Rispin, a teacher from Year Three, said, “Seeing the children succeed in such a rough
  time makes you feel a bit emotional. They are like shining stars. I feel privileged to be experiencing this with our little heroes every day.” Kate laughed and said, “You’re obviously doing an amazing job, Hannah! We need more people like you as a workforce.”“I can feel your positivity. It’s definitely
  made my day a lot more positive,” Hannah said.
  1. What did the Duchess of Cambridge think of educators during lockdown?
  A. They did a challenging job in helping Kate’s kids.
  B. They played a significant role in distance learning.
  C. They provided advice for staff from the country.
  D. They properly cared for students during the pandemic.   2. What can we know about Place2Be?
  A. It’s a school supported by pupils and teachers.
  B. It’s an institute sponsored by the Duchess.
  C. It’s an organization giving online lessons to students.
  D. It’s a charity giving backing to children and teachers.
  3. What is essential in education according to Ashleigh?
  A. Students’ social experience.
  B. Students’ academic performance.
  C. Students’ mental health.
  D. Students’ awareness of the pandemic.
  4. Which words can be used to describe Kate?
  A. Optimistic and responsible.
  B. Successful and warm-hearted.
  C. Brave and hard-working.
  D. Experienced and enthusiastic.
  Useful expressions
  be full of praise 赞不绝口;赞叹不已
  via video call 通过视频电话
  throughout the pandemic 在疫情期间
  access support 获取帮助
  academic side of school life 学校生活的学术方面
  expose mental health issues 暴露心理健康問题
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